A Crouton is Not a Vegetable
Yes, I know. . . what an odd name for a post. It comes from a time when my girls and I were having lunch at Wendy's. I was encouraging the younger child to eat her salad (with lots of croutons) so that she could have her cookie for dessert. She kept on trying to convince me that she WAS eating her salad by taking several croutons off the top of the lettuce and putting them in her mouth and slowly chewing on them. I just smiled and said "A crouton is not a vegetable"; and from that point on, I decided that if I ever got around to writing a story about motherhood, that I would use that phrase as my title. Well, it is now about 7 years later, and I still haven't been able to quite write that book yet, so here I am using it as a title to one of my posts! Hmmmm..... things surely have changed in the past 30 years back when I was a young English student at a small community college. I was Editor of the college newspaper - and nowadays, people would laugh at how we would have to type up articles and lay them out before printing the papers.
I am getting ahead of myself. What would ever possess me to decide to try this "blogging" thing? I used to write in my diary (journal) all the time when I was younger. Slowly, painfully, my husband has dragged me into the 21st century and this computer wizardry stuff which I am such a novice at that my daughters just laugh at me. So, why subject myself to this new medium of discourse?
I guess it is curiosity more than anything. I want to see where this takes me. I want to see how I am going to develop this blog into something that my old English profs would be proud of, and something I can use my creativity and writing skills on (I haven't done much of either lately - at least since becoming my kid's mom). You will notice, too, that each entry will try to make reference to the fact that I am my kid's mom - a phrase coined by Dr. Laura. Because, you see, being a mom is the best thing that has ever happened to me. God has blessed me with my girls, and for that, I am eternally grateful

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