We are in the process of getting ready to go back to school. The girls had their dental check up today. Next week, it will be going to the hair stylists' to get hair cuts, a color job for TP, and a straightener for DQ (I will need to take out a short term loan for these procedures, using my car as collateral). I am also hemming a school jumper, and we've gone through our fall clothes from last year to see what still fits, etc. We have yet to get school supplies - DQ starts at a new school, so we are waiting until we go to orientation in order to get the list, and it's TP's senior year so there's really not much she'll need anyway.
The girls are starting to get "antsy" - they are getting to the stage where they actually want to get back to school. I vascillate between looking forward to having them gone during the day so I can get some stuff caught up around here, to wanting them to stay here, suspended in time, for eternity. I love this age! The teenage years haven't been horrible in the sense of their becoming defiant or oppositional or mouthy. We've had other issues to struggle with during these years, so perhaps those things have helped us to get around the typical teenage "brattiness" (for the lack of a better way of putting it).
DQ starts high school this year. Hard to believe. TP is a senior this year. Doubly hard to believe. Each of them are facing a unique milestone in their respective lives. It will be interesting to watch as their lives unfold this year.
Thursday and Friday we will be visiting colleges in our area. One of the colleges is where I received my Bachelor's degree in 1982 - and it's been over 20 years since I've been there. It will be so strange going back there - I am sure the landscape has changed dramatically. The other college is close to home, and in all honesty, I kind of hope it is the one where TP ends up at.
Kind of a boring post, I know - but for this little family, "boring" is good!

That reminds me, i need to go back to school shopping! Is it harder when they are teenagers? Best wishes to your girls heading back to school, wich was for me the saddest time of the year.
Sarah: It's not necessarily harder for me, onlyl because both of my girls wear uniforms, so I don't have to argue with them over whether their pants are too low or their shirts are too high!!! I don't think I will ever get over feeling sad when they go back to school - and next year it will be even more difficult as my oldest will be off to college. I am absolutely dreading that!! When does school start in Chicago?
Barbara: Actually, I think I am a wee bit older than you are! I took a few years off from college in order to put my husband through it. I'll send you an e-mail to let you know how OLD I really am!!
When I was a kid, we didn't go back to school until the first Tuesday of September. I am amazed how early some of kids start - I read on one of the blogs this morning that the kids started today! I can't even imagine.
Mary, my oldest goes back to school on the 24th of this month. Anna will start preschool in the middle of sept. I sure wish they wore uniforms at Mary's school because kids get made fun of for not wearing name brand clothes. I would put them in a private school if I had the money for it. Oh well. I can't imagine the day I send the girls off to college, that will be a very hard time for me.
Hi Paul: Actually, I was planning on getting their eyebrows waxed - they can do their own nails!
Having the kids hang at my house is a good thing to wish - I can then keep my eyes on what they're doing!
The eldest has to stay within a 2 hour radius due to health reasons. I just can't believe my baby is this close to adulthood.
Thank you for not thinking I am boring - either you are very kind or zoned out on Xanax. I prefer to think you are very kind...
Yes, uniforms eliminate a lot of the put downs if you don't have designer clothes. Actually, they are even cheaper than buying new clothes for school.
Tuition can be expensive - we just scrimp in other areas - it was a decision we made long ago because I don't like the public school system. However, the private school system has it's problems, too (I'll dedicate a post about this sometime soon).
Anna will have a blast at preschool. I miss those days. . .
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