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I changed my mind - just for tomorrow - about writing for God's Gals. I have something written up, but I have been having "technical difficulties" when I try to get on the website in order to type it up for tomorrow's entry. Hopefully, this situation will get resolved.
I am still vascillating between wanting to write versus finding the time and being able to write. So, I promised Heather that I would give her a definite answer about whether or not I will continue on by the beginning of next week. My heart says "go for it", my schedule says "what - are you nuts?".
By the way - wonderful news about Sara - again! Her labs were "perfect", so they are now reducing her Solu-Medrol infusions to once a month. Last year at this time, we were doing them three times a WEEK. We are all so ecstatic! And we thank God for this wonderful gift of health!

I love the name of your blog, it's so great. I guess I'll head to God's Gals and see if you're on today.
Paula: I am leaning towards staying. . . I'll explain why at a later time. Thanks for your input!
Darlene: I kind of "stole" it from Dr. Laura - she always identifies herself as such. It's who I am, and who I was called to be.
Couldn't you just be a "guest" writer, or write when you can?
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