There is a little 3 year old girl who is suffering from Ewing's Sarcoma, an inoperable cancer which is affecting her neck and throat. Her story can be found at , and pictures and further info can be found at Darlene at is also offering to donate funds from any blog design orders which she receives today. Paula at has written a beautiful poem. This little girl has touched so many lives in such a profound way.
You know, I started blogging on a whim a few months ago - more to just keep a journal than anything. As time went on, I came in contact with fellow bloggers, and new friendships have been formed. I have laughed with these people, cried with them, and felt their support and love when I needed it. Time and time again, I am reminded that this "blogging thing" is actually a ministry. We are all on this journey together, and it's wonderful that we can reach into cyberspace and touch somebody else's life with the strokes of fingers on the keyboard.
May Rebekah and her family feel our love and support today and always. May God provide them with strength and peace and courage as they battle this illness. May they know that they are not alone. God bless you!

Prayers being said for Rebekah and family
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