I am currently on a "break"
I apologize for not posting a new entry lately - I am in the process of writing a fairly lengthy one about my younger daughter, DQ, and it's time consuming as well as emotionally exhausting. She just went through a very rough time the past year or two at her old school, so I am writing about how that affected her and the rest of the family.
Anyway, in the meantime, I did want to let you know that we visited two different campuses this week, one on Thursday and one on Friday. I think we've definitely ruled out the one we visited on Thursday, but the Fridav college is a strong contender. Thursday's visit was a very nostalgic one for me, as it was the place I went to for a year and a half, and from where I received my Bachelor's degree. The place has changed so much (obviously) in the past twenty years. It used to be surrounded by corn fields, and now there are restaurants, office buildings, and strip malls. Our old apartment was in a sad state, and the first house we ever bought (and completely rehabbed) could probably be condemned. But, it was good to show my kids a part of our lives from before they were born. They had lots of questions, and they kept on saying "Wow, we didn't know that about you". Of course, as time went on, more memories came to surface. Such a fun time. The visit to the other college on Friday was fun, too, but in a different way. It is such a gorgeous campus - it has a New England feel to it. It's private (euphemism for pricey), but it's small and "dry", and only 18 miles away, so TP could actually live at home, and thus save some money that way. Now, I have to get going on researching scholarships to see if there are any out there for which she might be eligible, given her chronic medical illness.
I hope everyone has a blessed and relaxing Sunday.

HI Paul - Yup, that private college would take what we saved by keeping her at home cuz their tuition is more - but, hey, if truth be known, I'd rather have her here (doing her own laundry, too). DQ is actually Drama Queen - as you get to know her, you'll realize how aptly that describes her (I've been wanting to use that word "aptly" for awhile, so thanks for giving me that opportunity).
Val, 18 miles would be nice and close, I hope it works out as well as some scholarship coinage. I hope you get the story of your daughter up on the blog.
That's what I would love, for my girls to stay close to home. I hope that all is well for TP. Prayers being said for her. IT is not easy having a sick child, and it has to be harder when they are older.
Darlene: Thanks for stopping by. I will try to get the post up within the next couple of days - it's been hectic around here!
Sarah: You know as well as I do how difficult it is to have a sick child. I think it would probably be more difficult when they are younger because they can't tell you where or how it is hurting, and you can't explain much to them about why they're hurting. All I know is that I would prefer for her to stay closer to home so we can monitor her closer. But - I also know I have to cut the apron strings some time. It's very hard to do.
Barbara: I am the world's worst when it comes to decisions like this - probably because I am way too analytical and weigh the pros and cons over and over and over again. I need to listen more to determine what God's will is in all of this.
Paula - I'm stil working on the DQ post. It's just such an emotional one, so I only write a little bit at a time. Thanks for your prayers.
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