Word Verification
I've been getting spammed lately. Thanks to Darlene over at www.wwjblog.blogspot.com - she included instructions from Nettie in her latest post on how to prevent spam. Mosey on over there and find out what to do if you've been experience it lately, too.
Oh - I went ahead and asked for "word verification for comments". That means when you leave a comment on my blog, you will be required to complete a word verification step. Sorry for the inconvenience - but the spam was getting to be a bit much.
Have a great weekend. I'll write more about TP's doctor visit tomorrow or Sunday. I was scheduled to write for God's Gals tomorrow, and I did write the post. I hit the "save as a draft" button, but it didn't take - I am not sure if the entry was erased or if it's lost in cyperspace. Darn! I'll write it up again for next week - just didn't have the time or energy to re-do it tonight, plus I had a million things to do this evening.

Thanks for letting me know - I didn't put the "g" in blogspot - it's corretcted now.
Am I selling cookware now too? I wasn't even aware.
You are welcome by the way, I have to come try it out!
Yep, it worked.
Hi Darlene: Thanks for stopping by - and yes, it works great! It's already deleted some of the unwanted comments from the spammers.
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