CWO Blog and an Anniversary Note
Today is my first blog entry over at the CWO blog - . I am featuring my dear friend. HeyJules, from . Please feel free to drop in at the CWO blog and be introduced to Jules, and then pay her a visit at her place. You will be very happy you did both!
On another quick note - today is my 31st wedding anniversary (I was 10 when I got married)! To my husband - I am eternally grateful that God chose you to be my lifemate. You have held me up when I was down, have comforted me when I was afraid or sad. and loved me even when I didn't deserve your unconditional love. I am blessed with having you as my best friend and the father of my two daughters. We've weathered some very rough times (especially the past five years), but we held on to each other during the storm and didn't drown in all that uncertainty and angst. I thank God for your presence in my life everyday. And I thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for just being you. I can't wait for the next 31 years! I love you!

precious!!!! 31 yrs - praise GOD!!!!!
Oh that's so beautiful.
I've been doing some husband praising on my blog too.
God gave us wonderful men.
Thank you God.
Starting ear;y must work!
Happy anniversary!
I remember the Carpenters, too. THose were the days. . .
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