Late-Summer Thoughts
The crazy schedule has begun! It's hard to believe DQ is a sophomore this year. The courses she's taking are difficult, to say the least - she's in her second year of Latin, plus this year she has to participate in "Sophomore Service" where she volunteers for several hours each quarter and then has to write a paper on her experience. She's so happy at this school, and for that I am very grateful. When she was walking down the school hallway this afternoon, I noticed how breathtakingly beautiful she has become. She walked with such grace (well, as much grace as she could muster with a twenty pound backpack on her back) and her eyes were smiling when she caught sight of me. What a difference a year makes!
TP is winding down her summer jobs - she'll be all done on Saturday with both. She has several things scheduled for next week - a hair appointment, lunches with friends, a visit to her old high school, and packing. Eight days and counting. . .
I'm holding up better than I thought I would under the circumstances. Of course, I'm trying very hard to NOT think about what it's going to be like without DQ around. Already, the rhythm of family life has changed in subtle ways, while at the same time, the summer is quickly fading into fall. Nostalgia comes at unexpected times, and washes over me while I quickly try to not suffocate from the catch in my throat.
This is a season of my life which I mistakenly thought would take its' time in getting here. I'm still totally amazed that it snuck up on me like it did, much like when, all of the sudden, you realize that it's getting dark at 7:30 p.m. rather than at 10:00p.m.
Blogging will be light over the next few days, as I spend these fleeting moments with TP and help DQ settle into a routine. My girls. . . how I love them so!

i feel for you... (hugs)
Thinking of you (hugs).
You go enjoy those moments and we'll be here when you get back.
Hang in there, Val. You're a great mom and you've raised some beautiful children. Try to rest in the delight of a job well done and is not a permanent life change.
Hi Val,
My youngest just started her senior year today.....She went out the door saying,
"Wow.......this is really final year of school." I said "you don't want to go to college?" Her response: "Well, that's will just be all different after high school and yes, I do want to go to college.".......I am sure glad Ecclesiastes was written about differents seasons of life......for all of us. I am back to teaching and less pondering now, too. Kids rock!!
Ah. My middle child, Robin will be leaving home in the next month or so. Though as he won't have a washing machine I expect to see him once a week or so.
He's been round the last couple of days as he's had days off, it's been good to have him round a bit.
Definitely - ENJOY your girls!!! : ) And looking forward to hearing more from you when you return : )
Eh, just think: before long, you'll have forgotten where you put your teeth, you'll be going to bathroom on the hour and half-hour, you'll be taking 23 pills a day, and Uncle Sam will dictate when you can and cannot go to the doctor.
Enjoy these moments.
I'm glad you ahve thse few days left...the few days of summer...
Mrs. D - Thanks for the hug!
TC - I've been thinking about you, too!
Jules - Thanks for your support, my friend! College may not be a permanent life change - but her room will be empty. Gulp.
Jodi - I've been thinking about you. How did your summer go?
Susan - I've been informed by my daughter that she has no intention of returning for a visit for quite some time. I give her 2 weeks before she comes home for a home-cooked meal. . .
Shawnda - Thanks!
Jeff - I've always had a weak bladder, so I'm used to the middle of the night runs to the john. I'm thoroughly enjoying these moments - always have, always will. I just love being a mom!
Nettie - Glad to hear from you - it's been such a long time!!!
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