8 Things about My Marriage
Darlene, the wonderful editor of www.christianwomenonline.net , has just tagged me with a meme about naming 8 random things about my marriage. Seeing how I am going to be celebrating 32 years of wedded bliss in about a month, I graciously agreed to participate in this assignment.
1). My husband's hair was longer than mine on our wedding day. I had mine cut the day before we got married - it had been below my shoulders, but I was tired of it, so it was chopped off. We got married in 1975, so you know that guys had long hair back then. It makes for interesting comments when people look at our wedding pictures.
2). It snowed the morning we got married - in September. Our reception was held across the street from the shores of Lake Michigan and our pictures were taken outstide. Sunny but very, very chilly.
3). I'm married to my best friend. We were really good friends before we were married, and we've remained such. We've had our difficult stretches, but we got through them because the word "commitment" is the cornerstone of our marriage.
4). My husband promised me 25 years ago when we first moved to Ohio that we would move back to Michigan in "a couple of years". Many things have happened over the past "couple of years" - we have moved three different times, we have adopted two daughters who are now 19 and 16, he has had several different jobs, I have earned my Bachelor's from WSU and my Master's from OSU . . . I'm still waiting to get back to Michigan.
5). I really, really wish my Mom would have been present at my wedding. I really wish she would have had the chance to get to know my husband - I think she would love him dearly. She would love his honesty, integrity, dependability, and steadfastness. She would be grateful that he had a strong faith in God. I still miss my mom - and it will be 39 years on Monday since she was called home to be with her Lord.
6). He always put my needs first, period. That is what marriage is all about - putting the other before yourself, and doing things for that person out of love, even if you don't feel like doing it. I try to do the same for him. I hope my daughters will do the same for their spouses.
7) Our marriage is Christ-centered.
8). He likes to golf. I like to shop. When we retire, he can golf all he wants to if I get to shop all I want to. :-)
I now tag newlywed Jeff, Barbara in England , my new blogging friend AnnB, and Counseling Kevin.

Since I'm too lazy to post mine, I'll do it in the comment section here.
1. My marriage is exactly 21 days old today.
2. I met my wife on a public bus April 17, 2006.
3. We own 2 vehicles, both model year 1991.
4. We just spent $158 on dry cleaning today.
5. The apartment building we live in was previously (up until about a year ago) a "senior community". We're not the youngest people living here, but probably 75% of the residents are retired.
6. The last night I slept in my barrio apartment was the night before our wedding rehearsal.
7. The reason I slept (well, almost slept) in our current apartment the night before our wedding was that I had to finish up printing the programs for the wedding. It took me until 1:30 a.m.
8. And no, I didn't sleep in the bed with her until our first night as newly weds.
Thanks for the tag! I loved reading your answers and it sounds like you have a great marriage to a great man! This is the kind of meme I most like to participate in - one with real substance! I'm going to work on mine now!
A marriage of 32 years is pretty amazing! A marriage doesn't make it that long - and still be considered a good marriage - without a lot of commitment, dedication and love. Thank you for sharing a little more about your life. I am enjoying learning more about you all the time.
In His Love and Blessings,
Come on, post one of those wedding pictures! The weather sounded perfect for keeping each other warm ;) I'm sure your mom would've loved him.
Love ya!
Jeff - Thanks for your answers!! I can't believe you spent $158.00 on dry cleaning - WOW. You could almost buy a washer for that much! And congratulations on your three week anniversary of being married!
Ann - It's been a pleasure getting to know you, too. Yes, my guy is pretty special. And thirty two years IS a long time - which is why I tell everybody I got married when I was 10. . .
Sounds like a lovely marraige.
My littlest sister just got married yesterday to a lovely man. (the sister that is teaching Mary the Viola) I pray that she will be as happy with her new husband as you are with your husband!
Val. your hubby sounds almost as wonderful as mine. I will certainly have a go.. give me a few days to get sorted after my holiday.
And congratulations to Jeff and his new Bride.. what wonderful news..
Enjoyed the post, my friend. I wish your mom could have been there, too. {{hugs}}
I thought of tagging Jeff too, I thought he might be too busy. Great choice!
His hair was longer? lol
Shall I comment on Jeff's here then? :)
Why did you wait until the night before to print your programs? Yikes--nothing like waiting till the last minute. The stress!! If you can make it through that, you've got it made.
You have a great blog here.
I found you thru Jeff h
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