The Perfect Fan - Backstreet Boys (with lyrics)
I remember when TP used to sing this to me.
I will always be there for you, babe - I am your biggest fan!
This still brings tears to my eyes!!
I love you, sweetie! And I miss you more and more each day.

Valerie, I have been reading your blog for a few weeks now. I don't even remember how I came across your blog. Your story with your daughter is my story with my daughter...I'm just a few years farther down the road than you are. My heart has bled and I have cried as I read about your pain. I know that pain; my journal is full of entries that cry out to God to restore the broken relationship between my daughter and I. Please never stop reaching out to your daughter--I asked God for wisdom each day and asked the Lord to give me insight into my daughter. I wrote her little "spiritual health promotion" notes of encouragement--not to preach at her--but to let her know I love her and to share God's love with her. Amazingly, God has restored what was broken. It has been a long and painful road. There are still pockets of hurt and pain. But I'm here to tell you that the situation is NEVER impossible for God. The Lord helped me see that HE was working in my daughter's life. HE had some important things to teach her. HE had everything under control. God also showed me HE had some important work to do in my life. He is not done working in either of our lives. I told my husband the other day that there is not enough money in the world to pay me to re-live the past 10-12 years; but I wouldn't trade the precious brokenness that has purified me and given me a relationship that I never thought was possible with my daughter. God is so good! Lean into Him, drink deeply of the Scriptures. God will never let you down. I have no idea how your situation will work out. I used to read accounts of prodigal daughters and tell God how to "fix" our situation. The methodology God chose was not even on my radar screen. He is a God of creativity and never does things the same way twice. I'm praying for you. Hang in there.
Vonnie - Thank you for all of your words. Your story brings me hope and encouragement. I notice you don't have a blog, otherwise I would like to contact you because I have a couple of quick questions for you. I am so glad that you and your daughter have reconciled and are now enjoying a relationship again. I can see where God is working in my life, and in my daughter's life - and I have come to the realization (finally!) that it's in His time, not mine. Blessing to you and your family.
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