Decision to Make
I am seriously considering shutting down this blog.
It has chronicled my life as a mom for the past 4 years.
Through it all, I have loved being my kids' mom.
But it's too difficult to continue writing right now.
I will make my decision over the next few days.
Love to you all.

I can appreciate while you would feel this way. I only wonder that if you leave it up then others who are experiencing similar difficulties, may be helped to know that they are not alone in their suffering. Just a thought. You must do what is right for you though. May God guide your thoughts on this.Love n hugsx
I suggest you let it lay fallow for the summer and see where you are in the fall. Just announce that you're off for a "summer vacation" and if in September you still feel the same, then take it "off air." If you do, copy the posts and retain them somewhere. You never know when they'll speak to you again.
you will be missed - obviously you must do what is best for yourself - but know that i will miss your sharing
Val,I so agree with all the comments of others. Your words are so heart felt that you have an impact on others, a positive impact that shows through it all, the ups and downs of parenthood, you still hold tight to your faith in our Lord. Yet, being human, we still have broken hearts over our grown kids decisions that take them away from faith and family. I will support whatever decision you make regarding your blog.
Deb - My concern is that the majority of my entries are depressing in nature. Only because what I'm going through - the disloyalty, the rebellion, the rejection of myself and all that I did over the years for her only to have it be taunted at and criticized - is so very depressing and is causing so much anguish. It doesn't seemt to matter, as she has been horribly brainwashed against me. I am thinking about starting a new blog - with private only readers - so I will let you know.
Kevin - That's a good idea. August is going to be a horrible month for me, so to just be silent is probably a good idea. I am still, listening for God's voice in all of this, and He's not answering right now. So, I'm lost. I should read Chesterton, right?
Oh Wendy- thank you. We can still talk on Facebook!
Jodi - My faith has been sorely tested - especially the past few weeks. It feels like I have nothing to hold onto anymore - not even hope. She is gone, and she doesn't even care how much this is killing all of us. All that I worked for over all those years has been thrown away and laughed at and spat upon. It feels like I did all that for nothing. So, yes, I am struggling a lot right now. I could use your prayers so much. Thank you.
I stopped by to see how you were doing. I've been hurting so much lately and think of your hurting about your dd as well. I'm certainly not glad you are in the same boat as I am, but it has helped knowing someone out there is.
I've refrained from blogging somewhat because I've been down. May was especially hard but June doesn't seem to be any easier.
If you give the blog up, I'll miss it but I wholeheartedly understand. The last paragraph in the comment you left above I can so identify with.
Your situation will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. Feel free to email me.
just know I will be supporting you no matter what!
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