DQ is leaving in just a little while to spend a week on the ocean in a beachfront house. That would be my ideal vacation. She is excited about this adventure, as this will be her first time away with just friends - no parents! And, because of the group of young ladies she is going with, I have trust in her that all will be well, and the decisions she makes will be good ones. When she comes back, it will be time to take driver's ed (she's postponed it for a couple of years), and working to get money together for school and gas for the nice car which has been waiting patiently for her in the driveway. The open house we had last week for her was so much fun, and the monetary gifts she received have really helped her savings account for college expenses! Anyway, I can't wait to hear all about her experiences with her friends at the beach house.
So, this week shall be a quiet one for me. But, I have so much to keep me busy - and I'm rather looking forward to a quiet house. It will give me time to think, to pray, to mourn and heal some more. I am still missing TP so much. I think of her several times during the day, and say prayers for her often. I wish there were ways in which I could help her, but I know there are none, not until she is willing to accept my help. She is under a lot of stress right now, and my heart goes out to her. While we have come to the conclusion to agree to disagree about what she is doing with her life, I am worried that this is going to be how she spends the rest of her life and how it will affect her and her baby - in poverty, under a lot of stress, no emotional or financial support where she's living at, no opportunities to make a better life for her or her child, and being being blinded by the lies and broken promises she continues to hold onto. Oh babe, I want so much more for you out of life! All you have to do is reach out and grab onto the lifeline we've offered - but we know you aren't ready for that yet. We are patient. We will wait. We will pray that someday you will come back to us and to the Lord.
I am reminded today of how precious life is, and to spend all the time you can with your family members who love and support you, no matter what, and not waste your time and energy on others who drag you down or who are like poison to you. A childhood friend's husband died suddenly yesterday - she had just retired (early) and they were going to move back home to TC and live in her parents house on top of the hill with the gorgeous view of the bay - and now he is gone. They worked so hard towards their retirement and were so excited about moving back to TC. In fact, some of their stuff has already been moved into the home in which they were planning to live. Another friend is facing a mastectomy today (stage 4 cancer). Her daughter is DQ's age, and they are close friends. Pam is a wonderful woman who's first thought is to help out others - and now she is the one on the receiving end. She's a tough yet gentle lady - and I can't imagine what this is doing to her family. She wrote on DQ's graduation card what a privilege it was to watch her and her daughter grow up into fine young women together, and she was looking forward to watching them succeed in life in the upcoming years. She has a positive, yet realistic outlook, and is treasuring each and every moment life offers her. I admire her courage and love her dearly. May both of my friends be comforted by God's presence in their pain, and may they stay safe in His graces.

My prayers ascend for all here mentioned. God Bless you Val!
I fully go along with ukok!!
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