My doctor has me on an antibiotic and Allbuterol for a sinus infection and a lung infection which is close to becoming pneumonia. So, I'm exhausted. If I'm not better by Monday, I get to go on steroids. This morning, I expanded my business by moving into the adjoining office space next door to the current office space - and I probably did too much because I'm back home in bed. Nice day to take a nap - although DQ has lessons and work this afternoon, so I'll be busy transporting her hither and yon. Can't wait for that girl to get her license.
The last monthly edition of CWO came out yesterday - Darlene decided to "retire" after three and a half years of publishing this wonderful Christian woman's ministry online. It was time for me to break away from writing my column, too, so my decision happened to coincide with hers. However, she will keep the ezine up so people can go back and browse through the archives.
It's been nice not writing often. Too much going on in my life about which I don't want to share. Eventually, when I am feeling less vulnerable, when I'm stronger, I may write again. Suffice it to say that God's grace is helping me through and I am ever so grateful for His comfort and strength and guidance. I'm busy, too, with my little family and with my expanding business and a couple of other projects in the works. Those things keep me focused and less likely to dwell on who's missing in my life. TP and I are leading separate lives, but we remain in contact. There is still a huge hole in my heart, and I miss her so much it hurts.
Looking forward to the 4th with our usual family traditions - cookout, outdoor symphony concert at OWU (free!), and fireworks. Traditions keep memories alive and famiies together. Forever. Wishing you and yours a Happy 4th of July!

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