A Tiny Arrival
On the first evening of autumn, God blessed the world with a tiny new arrival, who weighs a mere 3 pounds and 14 ounces, and who is 17 and 1/4 inches long. She is a beautiful baby girl who looks just like her mommy did at birth, only about half the size! She is a precious child of God, this little granddaughter of mine. I am so proud of TP. Nothing is better than seeing your own child have a child of her own - and watch how the maternal instinct kicks in immediately, and how the love just flows into the mommy's heart and soul eyes. TP was high-risk due to pre-eclempsia plus her lupus, and the doctors were amazed that she carried little KM for as long as she did without complications before this. They are pleased with KM's development, but will keep her in the NICU for a couple of weeks just to let her grow a little more.
Just as her mom usherd entered into the world on the very first day of spring, KM welcomed fall on the very first day of autumn 21 and a half years later.
So, welcome to the world, little one. Let's see what gifts God has given you which will help you make this a better world to live in, and may you always remain safe in God's graces. Thank you, dear Lord, for the miracle of KM and TP. I am a Nana!!!

Congratulations! There's nothing sweeter than seeing your own daughter as a mother! I'm so glad that she is with you and you are able to witness it all! I'll be praying that KM will gain weight quickly so that she can be home with her mommy!
I wish mother and baby the best of health through the winter. I hope she gets out of the NICU ahead of schedule.
Yay Baby Katherine! So glad everyone came through OK.
Congratulations on becoming a grandmother!Hope baby and mother continue to do well :-)
Congratulations! I'm so please everyone is safe and healthy, and I'm so pleased you were given the blessing of being able to be there to share this with TP.
love to you all!!
Congratulations! I hope and pray things continue to go well.
I hope that things continue to go well. Every blessings to you all - how wonderful - Grandma!
Congratulations!! What happy news! And prayers for the ongoing and rapid growth and development of this precious gift from God!!
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