Safe Travels
TP is leaving to go back to Michigan this afternoon, so I pray that she has a safe journey. She had such a good time with her birthmom and her half-sisters and other relatives. It's going to be difficult for all of them to say "goodby", but it's not a final farewell; in fact, it's just the beginning of their relationships. I know BMP will be having a hard time saying goodbye; but hopefully it won't be as painful as when she said goodbye 21 years ago in the nursery. But I know her heart, and I know her concerns about TP's current situation, so in some ways, it may be even more difficult to part this time around.
May you have safe travel back to Michigan, TP. And may the journey ahead of you bring you the security and love and stability for which you long. I pray your journey brings you back home to Ohio, where we await to embrace you once again. Love, Momma

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