An Answer to Our Prayers
DQ absolutely loves her new school! That is a true answer to our prayers. It's a fairly large Catholic high school with 320 kids in her freshman class (compare that to 28 at her old school). The very first day, some senior girls took her under their wings and asked her to sit with them at lunch. There was a freshman "mixer" on Friday night, and student council representatives from all the classes were there to welcome the freshmen and to encourage the "mixing" process. And DQ was QUITE impressed that a junior boy asked her to dance with him twice! Yikes! When she told me this, she looked at me and said "I know, Mom - I can't date until I'm 16, but he was so cute and nice!" Uh-huh. Not. Gonna. Happen.
TP had a good first week of school, too - but she already has "senioritis". She is counting down the days till graduation.
Seasonal allergies have struck me - and I am totally miserable. It doesn't help much when I am outdoors trying to paint the front door and its' trim. I do enjoy painting, though - and that's a good thing because our interior of the house needs a total paint job.
I have kept Rebekah and her family in my prayers this weekend. I haven't found the right words to use when writing about her situation. It is so painful to watch her suffer. It reminds me of when TP was so ill and in the hospital several times. I can't separate what I feel when I think of Rebekah and her family from my own personal experiences, otherwise I am overcome with emotion. When in a hospital environment, time just seems to stand still. At some level, you know that "life" is happening out there - outside the safety of the hospital walls - but you are just so focused on your child and what she needs. Nights and days blur together. You want to leave the room for a "break", yet you are afraid to do so, lest your child should need you or a doctor should come in for a visit. You place yourself in God's hands, and the mothering instinct takes over and clicks into high gear. A lot of times, you don't even notice that you're feeling exhausted. And, you don't even care. All you want to do is hold your child and take the pain away. I pray for relief for Rebekah and her parents - relief from the pain and the exhaustion.
May this upcoming week bring answers to everyone's prayers.

You sure found the right words to write about it today. You feel what they are going through in some ways, and it's good to share that.
I have two daughters, ages 10 and 11. I am NOT looking forward to when they're old enough to go to dances...especially the youngest, who is already Miss Social Butterfly.
Visiting via Stacy...thanks for making us aware.
I'll be back!
Darlene: Thanks for your kind words. When I look at my own daughter and see how far she's come in a year, then I look at Rebekah, I know miracles are possible.
Tammy - Thanks for stopping by! Really, I'm enjoying the teenage years! What cracks me up is that my kids seem to forget I was a teenager once (oh, so long ago) - so they are kinda surprised when they try to do something, and I know exactly what they're up to! You will do just fine, I am sure.
Tyra - Yes, I am glad that DQ likes her new school, too. I am so sorry about your mom. My mom died from cancer when I was 14 - a long and painful process. I hope you're on the road to healing.
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