A Great Birthday
Our birthday girl had a great day! She received 18 long-stemmed roses at school, and she went to her favorite restaurant for dinner. When we got home, it was time to open her presents. The first one she opened was a USB cable (is that what they're called?), and she looked a bit perplexed but said thanks, and moved on to the next present, which was a set of books. When she was getting ready to take her gifts upstairs, I asked her to wait a moment, and went into the other room to get her final birthday/graduation/early Christmas present. She was absolutely thrilled when she opened it and discovered a laptop computer! Her dad has to set it up this weekend, but in the meantime, she has watched a couple of DVD's on it, and last night we were on E-Bay looking for a bacpack which would accomodate the laptop. My youngest is thrilled about this gift, too, as it means she now has full "ownership" of their computer in the study.
TP says "thank you" to all of you who wished her a happy birthday. She had read my post and your comments, and she was very touched.
It's been a bit crazy around here, but I am beginning to thing that "crazy" is normal for a household with two teenage daughters. But, I am blessed to have each of them as a daughter, and I am blessed to have a great husband who works hard to provide for his family. Thank you, dear Lord, for all that you have given me.

Poor girl, had to go to school on her birthday :)
Hmmmmmm........a laptop computer was our birthday/graduation gift to our 18 year old last year who is now in college.....It gets used ALOT!! A gift an 18 year old can really appreciate!
Sounds like she had a great day...and what a great present!
That was a great birthday!
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