Happy Bloggiversary to Me!
Happy Bloggiversary to me!!
It was a year ago on March 28th that I began my little blogging adventure. Blogging was sporadic at first because I wasn't sure what I was doing or why I was doing it. It wasn't until the middle of June when I began to visit other blogs and recognize some names. Gradually, over time, I began to belong to a little blogging community!
Thank you for sharing this past year with me. I've had some ups and downs - some moments of sheer joy, and some moments of grave despair. Through it all, I felt your presence and your prayers, and for that, I am very grateful.
All of you have come to mean a great deal to me, and I am sincere when I say how much I love you. I look forward to sharing another year of my life with you - of sharing my experiences as my kid's mom.
That being said, let's party at Darlene's, right, Jeff?????

I've been busy, so it's been a while since my last visit... But anyway, this is right on time:
Happy Bloggiversary!
And also, happy belated birthday to the birthdaygirl :)
happy blogiversary!! isn't it fun!
Blogger was acting up last night. My comment wasn't something you would delete yet it is not here. Hmmmmm.....
I wished you a happy Bloggiversary.
Never the less, I asked you a direct question on a post.
Woohoo, party at Darlene's, you read my mind!
Happy Blogaversary to you!!!!
Glad you stayed. :-)
Blog on!!.....Happy #1!! I never even knew what a blog was until March of 2005 when our church had one for the high school seniors down on a missions trip in Ecuador. My other teen daughter got me set up to do comments which opened up a whole new world! Then, April of 2005 cousin Rebekah
started a blog from OR to follow her cancer journey and know how best to pray. Guess what? I finally broke down and started a blog thanks to Hey Jules!! Come vsit when you can! Val's site has been so encouraging. That is what I desire for mine, too!
OK, I'm late to the party, but I brought the baloney.
Happy, Happy Blogday, Val! I'm so very glad I got to hang out with you. Your posts have been such an inspiration and comfort to me.
Did you know Jeff is Moonlighting?
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