A Sudden Loss
My friend, Pat, died recently of a ruptured brain aneurysm. He leaves behind his wife of 31 years and four children and one grandchild and students and friends who loved him dearly. He had a gift for trivia, and was two weeks shy of becoming a contestant on "Jeopardy". His qualities far exceeded his quirks - he was sensitive, kind, compasstionate, intelligent, driven by morals and integrity rather than popular culture, and passionate about his family and his teaching and his faith. His sense of humor often led people to tears because they were laughing so hard.
Pat was my date for junior prom. He had a crush on me, but the feelings weren't reciprocated - I just always thought of him as a dear friend. I remember talking to him later, convincing him that he needed to put his sights on someone else who had loved him since second grade. They eventually did marry, and from what I can tell, had a fantastic marriage. In high school, there was a group of us who would hang out, do dumb things, and talk about everything from politics to religion to our faith to our plans for the future. We were "forever friends", who could pick up where we left off at each high school reunion, as if time had stood still and we hadn't aged a bit.
Pat is now with his Lord, and I'm sure he's exchanging bits of trivia and barbs with the others who have gone before us. Pat, you left and indelible mark on me, and I will treasure my memories of our friendship. Say some prayers for me, and I'll see you someday on the other side. God bless your family and provide them with the strength and comfort they need to help them with their loss.
Answer: because he was such a kind and loving and gentle soul.
Question: Why will people miss Pat?

Val, I'm so sorry for your loss. It is a blessing to have those wonderful memories, though, isn't it?
I'm so sorry for your loss and for the family's loss.
Prayers for Pat, and his family.
I am so sorry for your loss Valarie.
Awww, I'm sorry for the pain you and those dear to Pat must be feeling. Love and hugs...
Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord....
I'm sorry Val- these things seem to be hitting you lately.
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