The Strength to Fight
DQ is overcome with turmoil and anguish right now, so I truly need your prayers. Please pray for her healing, for her to find strength, for her to overcome the demons which have taken over her sweetness and the will to fight the fight and go on with life. I have two phone calls into her doctors right now, as I don't know how to help her anymore. I have done all that I know how to do - as a mom and as a professional - and nothing seems to work. The love she is given doesn't seem to touch her or help her. I am so close to giving up - but how can I? She's my daughter, and I would die for her, so I can't give up on her now when she needs me the most. So, please, please pray for her, and please add a prayer in there for me so that I can find wisdom to know how to help and strength to be able to help. I'm just so exhausted. I'll keep you posted.

Your daughter is certainly in my prayers,as are you my friend.
If I were blogging right now I would tell you that my Amy is having a tough time too. She's at the start of her Exams and they're going to last for 6 months solid....she is overwhelmed completely with revision and on trying to get those A*'s even though i tell her not to be such a perfectionist, but she is so anxious :-(
Prayers would be appreciated for her too if you8 don't mind :-).
Prayer for DQ.
Oh Val, I'm praying!!!! I'm so sorry it's so hard right now. Thank you for your humility in sharing and seeking prayer and God's help - He, indeed, is our only help!!!! Keep pressing into Him for your strength!!!!!! I've been reading through Job, and he really suffered....and his perspective was nearly lost in so many ways, but the Lord kept him, and He will keep you too!!!!! with much love!
Val, I am praying. I am standing beside you and lifting you and your family up because that is what sisters are for!
Love you so much,
Many thanks to Deb, Sarah, Shawnda, and Gina. I truly appreciate your love and support and prayers. I will keep you in my prayers, as well.
i will pray of my daughters Katy (18) suffers badly with bi-polar & is away at Uni...God bless
Will be praying for your daughter...and for strength for you. Jehovah Rapha!
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