Eye Surgery
I'm having eye surgery tomorrow at 1:30p.m., so if you get the chance, please say a quick prayer that it is successful. It is for my narrow-angle glaucoma - which is the rarer form of glaucoma which usually strikes younger people and is "cured" by this surgery. In other words, I'm fortunate to have this kind of glaucoma because this surgery should prevent me from going blind!!! So, I am looking at this as a minor inconvenience (even though I'm a bit nervous) in the major schem of things - hey, what's a 40 minute office call in exchange for my vision? Next week, I will have the other eye done. Wish they could do both at the same time. I've been assured that there is no pain, just some mild discomfort.
I'll let you know how it goes!

I'll be praying for you.
oh, goodness, how scary! Hope all goes well.
You are going to do great! But that doesn't mean you can't milk it a little! ;o)
Let us know when you get home. xoxo
What miracles the world of medicne can offer us, thanks be to God! Just a couple of decades ago, such surgery would have been unthinkable!
God is good. Will be praying for you, Val.
Dear Kevin, Nettie, Damama, Deb - Your prayers are greatly appreciated!!! I'm blessed to have such caring friends.
Even though you have already had the surgery and will pray it heals well and that your next surgery goes as well.
I found your blog through Ukok...God lead me here for a reason. My dr. told me this week one of the meds I'm on can cause narrow angle glaucoma. I'll have to rediscuss it with him because I don't believe in coincidences.
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