Thankful and Grateful
Fantastic news from TP's doctor at her six month check up on Friday - he's just totally amazed at her progress and the fact that she's stayed healthy and in remission. He said that he's never had a patient go off ALL meds before in his whole career! He was so glad to see how well she's doing at school, too.
DQ is doing much better - thank you for your prayers. It's a long and complicated story, but suffice it to say that she remains fragile and will require lots of love and attention over the next few years.
God gave these girls to us for a reason - and I am so grateful He did. Through His grace, we have weathered many crises (health and otherwhise), and our family is still intact and strong and loving.
We are looking forward to Thanksgiving - how about you? We're having company - TP's boyfriend's parents are coming down from Michigan and they'll be having Thanksgiving dinner with us. In the meantime, I have a list a mile long of things that need to be done yet. I got a lot of those things checked off today, but it seemed like once I checked one item off, another item magically appeared!
So, we have a lot for which to be thankful this Thanksgiving. I'll write again before the holiday, but I just wanted to update you on what's been happening here. Take care, everybody, and God bless.

I've just caught up on your posts since I last visited. I, too, have been neglectful and am sorry. I can see that you have been through so much during the time I've "been away". Even though I have not been to visit, you are never far from my thoughts and I continue to pray for you.
I loved Psychology in school and even thought of a career as a counselor, but because of the same reasons you stated, I was afraid that I would not be effective because of the emotional aspects. I know that you must be very good at what you do because you love it and seem to have found a good way to, at least, "set aside" your emotional connection while still being able to help your patients. I admire that trait.
I can't tell you enough how much your friendship through blogging has helped me in my daily life. Your comments of support and the care you show by your prayers mean so much to me.
The fact that you allow us to see you as "human" with real feelings - both good and sometimes not so good - is what really draws me to your site. When I see others that only blog "happy" thoughts, I begin to wonder what's wrong with me because I certainly have negative thoughts and issues in my life.
I am also, at this time of year, thinking about the many blessings God has provided me on this earth. It also brings memories because this is my first without my Mom. My Dad entered the hospital on Thanksgiving Day 13 years ago and passed away two weeks later. This is not always my best time of year, but I am focusing this year on the blessings God afforded me with the parents I was given. I know that my life could have been so different without the love and support they gave me.
I know from reading your posts for the past year, that you must be a great mom and the time will come when the relationship with both your girls will change and you will see how much their lives have been shaped by the training they received in your home. Sometimes I feel like my daughters must have suffered with a multiple personality disorder when they were teens. :o)
I guess my "comment" got a little long! I do want you to know that your friendship means a lot to me and I thank you for it.
In His Love and Blessings,
WOW! PRAISE THE LORD about TP's Dr's visit!!!!!!!! Thanks for the update too on DQ! Praying! The Lord DID give those girls to YOU for a reason - His ways are perfect, and no man can thwart them! What great hope we have in His Truths!!!!!! Love you dearly, Val!
Ann - Your words have moved me deeply - thank you so much. You have come to mean a great deal to me, too. I was thinking about you awhile ago, wondering what it would be like this Thanksgiving for you without your mom. I shall say a special prayer tomorrow for you as I sit down to my table. Have a blessed THanksgiving, my friend.
Shawnda - Love 'ya, too!!! Have a great Thanksgiving!
Awesome news for TP!!!!!
Prayers for DQ.
Happy Be-lated Thanksgiving to you!
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