In case you're interested
I have started a new private blog. If you are interested, just drop me a line in the comments section. I already have most of your email addresses, so I can contact you to let you know the website address. If I don't have your email address, just leave it in the comments block (I won't publish it).
Eventually, I may return to this blog, but for now, it will be silent.
I have a difficult journey ahead of me over the next few weeks and months, a painful loss to process, so please keep me close in thought and in prayer.

I'm interested. Shoot me the new url, and keep the faith.
I am a long time reader, but don't think I have ever commented.
I am so sad for what your family has been going through. I do hope and pray that eventually the light will shine through for your daughter and she can find her way back.
I would like to continue reading your updates in the new blog, if possible.
Kevin - Good to hear from you. I just sent you an emai. The faith is being tested, but I'm holding on tight.
Mamasita - I'd be happy to send you the url, but I need to know your email address. You can comment here again with your address, and I just won't publish your comment. I'll send you an email with the new address. Thank you for your prayers and concern.
God bless you, I will pray for your situation, could be myself and my daughter.
Yup sis send me the url!
I would love to have the new url and be able to still "visit". I'm glad that you're still going to be journaling - a very "wise" woman once told me to keep my journal even while I was not able to see my therapist!
So glad to hear from you and keeping you and your family in prayer!
In His Love and Blessings,
Duh, silly me. I guess it would help if I left the email address, huh?
Sorry - brain malfunction
Me to please.....
Send it my way, please...
I know I don't visit like I should- but I'd like to read your new blog. Will you do an RSS feed?
i have enjoyed reading your blog for awhile now - i have two daughters - 13 and 18- oldest to leave for college 3000 miles away- so hard - but roots and wings - i am just now havng trouble dealing with the wings part - i enjoy readng about you and your girls - thanks for all your sharing wendy
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