I'm Back
We've already begun the process of getting ready to go back to school, which starts on August 20th for DQ and September 24th for TP.
DQ started band practice this week, and with her "bad" back, it's been a challenge. She has completed her physical therapy, with some mild improvement, but she's still in a lot of pain. Her appointment with her specialist is the 19th, so hopefully additional treatment(s) will be discussed. She may need a brace to help her spine. And, we will also find out if she will be cleared so that she can obtain her driver's license. Now, that will be a welcome skill for her to have! She still talks about Interlochen with such excitement and fondness, and plans are being made to send her there again next summer. It would be great if we could send her there for the whole school year, but their tuition is higher than even most private colleges, so it's just not feasible for us to do so.
TP is looking for a job, and preparing for her new apartment, which she will move into on August 30th. Our screened in porch is full of used furniture which we've been purchasing (dresser, entertainment center, kitchen table and chairs, etc) - so, unfortunately, we haven't beeen able to eat outside this summer - but hey, it's worth it. She was accepted as Ohio State University on Monday, and she has switched her major from nursing to accounting. What a change, huh? She's always been good at math, and she enjoys working with numbers. She did a lot of thinking about nursing, and just decided that it wasn't what she wanted to be. It was a good thing that she found that out at the end of her sophomore year, and not during her senior year of college!!!
So, I've been busy with my girls, plus our additional "babies" - the little Bichon puppies. I've been devoting a lot of my time to deepening my relationship with the Lord, and developing a stronger prayer life. I'll talk more about that at my other blog - I'll post an entry there sometime this weekend.
I am looking forward to blogging once again. This blog might be a little different than it was in the past - I may change the focus to how to "let go" as our children grow older, as that process can be difficult, challenging, and yet exciting at the same time. There is such a need for support among those of us in the stage of our lives - for I find myself to be a bit bewildered and sad while going through this process. Are there many readers out there who can identify with me?!
Take care, God bless, and it's good to be back!!!

Funnily enough, I was looking at the tag line of my blog and thinking it should say something like Being Barbara, Being Mum, Being me learning to let go....
Glad that things are getting onto a more even keel with you your end. Still thinking about you and praying.
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