The After Effects
Hurricane Ike blew into Ohio on Sunday afternoon, knocking out power. Fortunately, we have a generator, so we didn't lose any of our food, and we had lights at night so we could read and watch t.v. But power wasn't restored until yesterday afternoon, after 91 hours of being without it. Now, I am waiting for the internet connection to be restored. . . I'm at my office right now, catching up on a few things.
I hate being without the internet - it's amazing how connected we are to technology!
Oh, if you get a chance, could you say a prayer for a special intention? Thanks!

My dear Val..
Sorry to hear of your situation - life throws a few unexpected spanners in the wheel sometimes doesn't it.
I will certainly pray for you. Hopefully my general prayer will help too - I don't have a clue what a prayer of special intention is but I have lifted you and yours up to the Lord in prayer..
Every blessings to you my friend.
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