Forty Years Ago Today
Forty years ago today, my beautiful mother died. She was 56, I was 14. I have missed so much without her in my life. She wasn't there when I got married, had kids, or just needed advice or a shoulder to cry on. I envy people who still have their moms in their lives, and I can't understand when people treat their moms with disrespect and irritation. I can't wait for the day when we meet again, this time in His presence. I love you, Mom. Wish you were still here. . .

I've never heard of 'Mercy Me', but watching that video and reading your story had me getting teary.
You are so right about people who don't respect and love their parents. I spent my teen years being horrid to my mother. Thankfully it was only for a few years in comparison to all the years i've been a respectful and loving daughter, but i still hate the way i treated her back then.
I'm 40 now and I can still remember telling her i hated her... that she didn't love or care about me... that I never wanted to see her again and other hateful stuff.
I thought i knew everything in those days.
Little did i know that she would be there for me more than anyone else has ever been there for me throughout my life (excepting the Lord of course).
I now consider her my best friend.
I don't want to rub salt in your wounds of loss, but knowing how in your own family you have experienced similar recent difficulties, i say these words to encourage you to hope for continued renewal of your relationships with your own daughters.
I am so sorry for your loss. Please know that you are on my heart and in my prayers this day.
May your mother rest in peace.
Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord...
Hi Deb - Your comments touched me deeply, and bring hope to my situation (which is getting better all the time). Thanks for your comfort and prayers - I've missed you, my friend, and will come and visit you soon.
Good Morning Valerie,
I imagine it must have been very hard being a teenager with your mom there. I'm sorry you and your family had to go through that.
The Lord works in mysterious ways. If you look at the "big picture", I'm sure he had a plan for you and your mom. After all, she joined Him in heaven, and as difficult as it may be for her child [you] to admit -- that's the ultimate reward for her life.
Furthermore, it was the grief and hardships (which shaped your life without your mom) which probably led you to counseling families and to being a great mom to your girls.
Don't forget, the Lord has a plan for you... even in the darkest hours.
Again, I'm sorry for your loss, but I'm glad you turned out the way you did -- and I'm sure your mother is *so* proud of you too!
Good Morning Valerie,
I imagine it must have been very hard being a teenager without your mom there. I'm sorry you and your family had to go through that.
The Lord works in mysterious ways. If you look at the "big picture", I'm sure he had a plan for you and your mom. After all, she joined Him in heaven, and as difficult as it may be for her child [you] to admit -- that's the ultimate reward for her life.
Furthermore, it was the grief and hardships (which shaped your life without your mom) which probably led you to counseling families and to being a great mom to your girls.
Don't forget, the Lord has a plan for you... even in the darkest hours.
Again, I'm sorry for your loss, but I'm glad you turned out the way you did. I'm sure your mother is *so* proud of you -- after all, she's been there all along in spirit!
I am still going thru your blog - ohhhh . . . this song is so precious to me. We lost a 16 year old son, almost 4 years ago ( and this was one of his favorite songs. Part of the words are on his gravestone.
I see the pain and growing you have gone thru - and see you shining like gold for our Savior.
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