So Many Things Happening
My visit with TP was so wonderful. Lots of talking, laughing, hugging, crying. It felt so good to be in her presence again. She has a lot of tough decisions to make in the next week or so, so please pray that she follows God's will for her life and that she finds the strength and courage to do the right thing.
It's hard to believe she is 21! We don't know anything about her birthmom as of yet - but the info should be forthcoming soon. I probably won't discuss much in terms of information, as this as it is a private matter for TP, but I will let you know my thoughts and feelings. I am at peace with TP's choice to find out more information, and I know that I will always be her "momma", no matter what.
DQ is planning a huge (belated) birthday party this weekend. It should be so much fun having a bunch of teenagers dancing to "techno" music. It's called a "rave" party - and I'm assuming I'll find out what it's all about when it's happening! After this big event, we will begin planning for graduation.
My business is expanding, and my husband still has his job - so I am grateful for being able to keep a steady income coming in. No bonuses or raises this year - but I am NOT complaining!
I keep all of you in my prayers. Someday, I will return to regular blogging - but my life is so full right now, so I've had to focus on other things.
I am so glad it is finally spring!

I'm so glad the visit went well!!! Three cheers for that!
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