Spring Break Continues
Today was spent working on paperwork (ugh), and writing my CWO column for May (fun). DQ is helping me with spring housecleaning this week, and today her chore was to clean out the china cabinet. This evening, I went to Eucharistic Adoration - what a beautiful hour it was, spent in the quiet church which smelled heavenly from all of the Easter flowers. My prayers were simple ones, and as always, asking for God's will to be done.
Tomorrow I have oral surgery at 10:00, where the doctor is removing a melanotic patch from the roof of my mouth. A biopsy needs to be done, and I won't get the results for a week (I detest waiting). He's virtually assured me it's not cancerous - but I still get a little anxious with this kind of thing. After that, I have another doctor's appointment to make sure my meds are doing what they're supposed to be doing. And then - it's off to the mall to do some prom-dress shopping! DQ already has the dress chosen off the website - now, let's just hope it's in the store. Then, we are going to the bookstore and to Home Depot and a couple of other places before going out to dinner. I want to go to Red Robin, but we may end up at COSI (I've never been there, so I don't have a clue as to what their food is like). Hopefully, the roof of my mouth won't be too tender from the surgery, or we may end up at Dairy Queen where I can just have a malt!
Then, Thursday and Friday will be spent on spring housecleaning. We're preparing for my husband's parents visit here in 10 days, plus DQ's graduation in about 6 weeks - so there is quite a bit to do around here. I sure could use an extra pair of hands!
The good news is that my husband still has his job - we breathed a huge sigh of relief after receiving word from his boss. This economy is so shaky. I can honestly say that my business is still doing well, and I pray for its' continued stability.
So, I'm off to bed. I may not write for awhile as I'll be quite busy for the next week or so - but I'll try to post a picture of DQ's prom dress when I can. God bless!

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