To My Mom on Her Birthday
Yesterday, my mom would have turned 97 years old. I was an "oops" baby - but very loved and wanted. She died when I was fourteen, and to this day, I miss her incredibly. This song exmplifies her faith in God, and I know that she is, indeed, His. I look forward to the day when I see her again.
It's these family celebrations - like DQ's graduation tomorrow - when I miss her most. When somebody is missing from a celebration, there is a big hole in the family event. The physical presence is gone, and it hurts. At least I know with my mom, she would be here if she could, so she is here in spirit. TP hasn't been here for Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Easter, and now graduation. I am so saddened and upset by this. My little family has been broken apart in many different ways. It woudl sadden my mother to know this because she knows how much I have loved being a mom.
Mom - I miss you. I wish you could have been there to see me get married, to appprove of my husband, to watch me graduate from college, and to meet my daughters. You would have been so proud of me - and I long to hear you say those words to me to this very day. To all of you out there with moms still living - honor her. Treasure her. Cherish her. Obey her. You don't know what a gift you have until it is gone.
I love you, Mom.

I just found your blog listed under the New Blogs in the St. Blog's Parish Directory. Welcome to the Directory and welcome to the Catholic blogosphere.
Laudetur Jesus Christus!
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