Congratulations, DQ!
Saturday was picture-perfect. The weather was gorgeous. The graduate looked regal and beautiful in her gold cap and gown. The ceremony was dignified and yet joyous - giving such meaning to and pride in the graduation of DQ. When she got back to her chair after getting her diploma, the sweet and pretty smile on her face said it all - I did it, Mom. Then, she shook her head when she saw my tears. I warned her I would cry, and I held true to my word. She knew they were bittersweet tears of joy and sadness, and she understood the significance behind them.
We took pictures afterwards in front of the podium - one of them will be selected for our family picture to be sent out in the Christmas card this year. Her godfather did the honors of picture-taking, and you could see the pride in his eyes when we took a picture of him with his "favorite" godchild, whom he has so lovingly helped to raise in our faith. The afternoon/early evening was spent going to open houses . And then, her senior party was from 10:30 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. at a place about a half an hours' drive from here. Believe me, I had so much fun driving down the road at that time of morning!
Sunday was an extremely busy day, trying to get everything done for DQ's open house. And when the guests arrived, it was worth all the work and the time and the effort. DQ did a lot of the food preparation, and everyone remarked on what a great chef she is! It was good to see so many people come out to help her celebrate the monumental occasion. She had so much fun, and I delighted in watching her play the hostess role. Sadly, her sister wasn't there - and people asked about TP and said that they missed her smiling face and presence. We did, too. I pray she doesn't come to regret all of these family functions she has missed over the past year - not being part of the fabric which holds and binds a family together.
So, now I can breathe a huge sigh of relief. Today, I had 10 appointments at work, and the same holds true for tomorrow. I am exhausted, so I can't wait for Wednesday, when I can sleep in a little and have my massage in the morning.
I'm looking forward to the summer. I have lots of different projects to keep me busy. I don't want to spend any more time mourning and being depressed - I just can't do that to myself anymore. I have to find my joy within the relationships where I am treasured as well. I have to stop yearning for something/someone which I can never have again. I can only pray that someday, my family will be complete again.
Anyway, congratulations, DQ! We are SO proud of you! Just think, in four short years, you'll be graduating from college! God bless you, sweetie. I love you!

Congrats!!! So wonderful and exciting!!
Congratulations! Sounds like a joyous time! I have not been able to spend much time reading blogs. Nice to hear you seem to be doing well.
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