There is such suffering all around us.
Please pray for Rebekah and her family. Her daddy's post last night was heartbreaking. Please pay a visit at and leave a comment.
Of course, the victims of the hurricane are constantly on my mind and in my heart. However, I am beginning to sense much hope and resolve from those people who were affected by it. I am amazed how many Ameriican people are now offering to open their homes and hearts to help the displaced. We are a blessed country who know how to reach out and help our fellow citizens.
Some of my clients are going through an especially difficult time. Their faith in others and in God has been shattered, and they do not have the strength or courage to pick up those pieces. Their stories would render you silent and make your heart stand still.
And, of course, each of us have some degree of suffering in our lives right now - whether it be financial difficulties, loss of a loved one, a chronic illness, relationship "issues", unemployment or threat of losing a job, or other painful things.
What do YOU do when faced with suffering? Do you whine and complain? Do you blame others for it? Do you bury your head in the sand and try to ignore it? Do you offer it up to God? Do you try to find meaning in it? Do you ask others - especially God - to help you through?
I probably do a little of each to a certain degree, and at different stages of my suffering. Sometimes, I even switch from one way of handling suffering to another at the drop of a hat. But what I have come to realize is that even though I may complain, blame, or try to ignore - I fare far better if I offer it up to God, try to find meaning, and ask others and God for help. I am not able to exactly "conquer" my suffering, but at least find the strength to face it head on.
I shall keep each of you in my prayers as you face your own suffering today. I shall ask God to help you through so that hope will replace despair, strength will replace exhaustion, and faith will replace the longing for answers.

Hi Valerie,
I came here through Barbara's blog. I'm a Buckeye too. :-)
Great post. Wow.
I'm with you on this one. Offer it up and give it to God. And, as a very smart blogger once told me, "when you find yourself worrying about it again, throw it back up to God and tell Him to Keep it this time!"
Tyra: I know I've dealt with certain issues with a bad attitude, too. Doesn't it seem to make the situation even worse?
Sarah & Anna - So glad you guys had such a wonderful time on your "dream" vacation! Give Anna a big hug for me, OK?
HeyJules - I'll have to remember what that smart blogger told you!
Julana: Welcome to my blog! So, you're from Ohio, too - and I hope this won't cause you to think too poorly about me, but I'm technically not a "Buckeye" fan - I'm a Wolverine (U of Michigan)- I was born in that "state up north". Glad you stopped by - I'll come and visit you really soon!
Hey Paula - I love the new blogskin on your site! It is just beautiful. THanks for stopping by today - I'll talk to you soon!
Barbara - I think we all go through "pity parties" at times. And then situations like Hurricane Katrina and Rebekah are gifts to us to remind us how preciouse life is and to handle each other with care. You know, I have my strong opinions about how the press (not just the US but also the international press) has been handling the reporting on Katrina. But, now is not the time to discuss it. Suffice it to say that I don't think the press has given sufficient coverage about the faith-based response to this catastrophe, nor has it shown the stories of all the heroes from other communities other than New Orleans. Now, I am the one who is
"waffling on". (What does that mean?).
Suffering is a part of life. One of the responsibilites of being a parent is to teach this to our children. How we handle a crisis is the one of the gifts we give to them. They learn to cope from watching us.
My husband is originally from Chicago, then from MI. He is a fan of the Sox and Michigan State, not U of M.
I won't hold the Wolverine allegiance against you. But I prefer scarlet and gray. :-)
Stacy: Amen. Kids are so in tune with our moods, and watch to see if our actions coincide with our words.
Julana: It gets real interesting around here when the OSU-Michigan game happens - especially the two years I was at OSU in grad school. I was afraid to let people know I am a die-hard Michigan fan. I hope to get to know you better.
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