The Decision Has Been Made
I have had a couple of days to really think this dilemma through about whether or not to continue on with my blog. I talked it over with my husband, and I prayed about it, and I've received from e-mails from some fellow bloggers. All of you know how to make me feel wanted, and even needed - and I so appreciate the kind words, support, and love!
While I don't really want to get into the reasons about why I was feeling the need to stop blogging, I do want to let you know that I've been struggling with this off and on for awhile. Then, when things happen to me, I tend to use them as reasons for leaving or staying. What I decided I really needed to do is to make a commitment, one way or the other, as whether I stay involved in blogging or to bow out forever. I can't keep on bouncing back and forth.
There is still so much inside of me that I have to say, and this is a wonderful place in which to say it. I love to write, and I love keeping a written record about my thoughts about being a mom, and I love to get feedback from this community. I also love to visit other sites and offer bits of myself to people who have come to mean a lot to me. So, for these reasons, I have decided that I am going to stay here and take my house off the market (see Jeff's depiction of my house below with the "For Sale" sign).
For right now, I have to take a little vacation of a day or two, so that I can get caught up on my "to-do list", and then I'll be back with a couple of stories about my girls which will warm your hearts. Thanks, everybody - I appreciate your wanting me to stay. . .

You put a smile on my face today! I'm glad your staying. I felt as though I might have lost a friend.Can't wait to hear your stories about those precious girls.
It is always sad when someone leaves, because you have to way to catch up again later. It's a loss unique to the blogosphere. So glad you're staying.
It is a good way of keeping track of one's life. Somehow, it's easier for me to keep up with than a journal, just getting that feedback.
And you feel like you have friends that see a side of you that other people may not. :-)
Well, now there's a big old answered prayer!
Welcome back my friend. It wouldn't have been the same without ya.
Yippee!! You're staying! Maybe one day we'll meet face to face since we're in the same general area.
have a good vacation but i'm so glad you're staying!
I don't know Val, I'm really happy that I quit. Nice to see you though.
Thanks Valarie! I knew I could count on someone to point me in the
right direction. Actually, you said almost exactley what my doctor told
me. I know this is very little to make sucha big fuss over, but I
always worry more for Anna than I would for any of my other children. Not
because they aren't important, because of course they are! Because of
Anna's being immune know. Anyway, I am so glad that
you are sticking around. I would have missed you a lot!
I heard rejoicing throughout the land this morning, now I know why!
Sarah: I'm glad I'm staying, too, for I have made a lot of friends like you!
Jeff: Hooray to you, too!! I'm just waiting for my ride in the Think Sink Mobile. . .
Julana: You've made some good points - especially about seeing a side of you that other people may not. I totally agree.
Kevin: Short and sweet and pithy, as always!
Jules: God kept on tugging my heart and He let me know I needed to stay. Let's talk about that Lenten blog soon, ok?
Jodi: I'd love to meet you - if you're ever near Columbus, let me know!
Paula: You're the BEST!
Mrs. D: Methinks my vacation has been short-lived, but I'm glad I'm back!
Stacy - I miss you so much!! I know you're happy with your decision, but I'd still love to keep in touch!
Dawn: And I look forward to getting to know you better!
Sarah: I'm glad to have helped. I am more on the "watch-out" for my daughter with lupus than my other daughter, because illness in her can have dire consequences (even the common cold).
Tyra: And I love reading about your life every day, too!
BerryMom: THat's what I kept on coming back to - that this is a ministry of sorts. Thanks for dropping in!
Darlene: I thought the rejoicing had to do with Jeff changing his underwear! (Do you think he's happy I decided to stay now?).
*begins to dance, then falls* Ooops. Well, at least you know I'm happy!
Jules sent me...and seems like it's a very nice place to be.
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