Here I Am
I've had a few requests over the past few months for my picture to be posted on my blog. I've resisted only because of the profession I am in - I felt the need to protect my anonymity. I changed my mind yesterday - and decided to go ahead and post it (thanks for your help, Darlene), if only for a brief time. Now, you have a face to go along with my words. . .

Well it's nice to meet you! I've been reading for a while, but have not posted a comment until now. I guess this occasion is a good one to post. I must say you don't look like what I pictured in my mind (that's neither bad nor good - just a comment). I enjoy reading about you and the life of your girls!
you're lovely!!!! i'm glad you shared if only for awhile. it's nice to put a face to a name. :)
i must say you don't look how i envisioned you either, though I don't know WHY I would envision you at all! LOL
Hi Angella! Thanks for coming out of "lurkdom" to meet me! I look forward to getting to know you better! I don't look like what I picture in my mind, either! LOL! I think it has to do with thinking I still look like I did when I was younger (my mind still has my 25 year old face etched in it!!). Oh well. . .
Mrs. D - Thank you so much for the compliment!
You look how I envisioned you would. Your as beautiful as your writing.
The picture of the house here on your blog is very beautiful and full of charm.
Of course, you know what this means...
Don't worry, I'll be gentle.
Darlene, on the other hand...
THANKs Val - you look great. Now you know why I post under my daughter's being - that way Jeff will leave me alone!
-Scott (Rebekah's Daddy)
HI Sarah - I am so touched by your compliment. Thank you.
Hi Liquidlifehacker - Welcome to my blog. My blog was designed by Darlene at What Would Jesus Blog. I love the house, too - it reminds me so much of the neighborhood I grew up in.
Jeff - Yes, I am expecting you to be "gentle"! And, I think you've already done enough harm to poor little Darlene. . .
Scott - That's funny. I wondered why I've never seen your face, either, and now I know!! Thanks for stopping by. . . hope Rebekah is home soon!
I've been lurking for a while, and commenting occasionally. I have to say, I don't know quite how I pictured you, but you are definatly a beautiful women! Thanks for allowing us to put a face to a name.
I just posted in my combox to you about this very thing!
You are a very attractive lady, both on the inside and on the outside. God evidently makes his face to shine upon you :)
God Bless.
Hi Jackie - Welcome to my blog. I just visited you at yours. Your compliment made my week! Thank you.
Hey Barbara - I'll let you in on a little secret - I do have dark brown hair. This was taken awhile ago when my hairdresser convinced me to "try something different"! Thanks for your kind words and compliment - I am still debating as to whether or not I did the right thing by posting it, but oh well, it's too late now!
Hi Ukok - I'll have to go over to your blog to see what your comment. God has shined His face upon me in many, many different ways and throughout my life - and for that, I shall be eternally grateful. Thank you, my friend, for your comments and support.
You look great! I'm so glad to see you. I find that its much easier to relate to bloggers when I have a face to the name.
oh, two more things from me--
I also envisioned dark brown hair (and glasses).
And I agree that you are also beautiful inside. I consider you one of the kindest bloggers. Your niceness always shines through your writing and comments.
As previous commenters have said, you look great. Very professional. :-) I also pictured you as a brunette.
Jeff: Darlene, on the other hand...
Val: "I think you've already done enough harm to poor little Darlene."
Darlene: "I consider you one of the kindest bloggers."
Ahem, I meant, watch out for Darlene, who may not be so gentle. See, she's already buttering you up...
So fun! Thanks for sharing a picture!!! A face with all that I read about you makes all you share much more personal! Glad you decided to share the physical part of you that God has made!!! : )
Hi Darlene! Thanks again for putting my picture up! I now have dark brown hair - and I do wear glasses when my contacts aren't in (I'm in bifocals already - which is why I hate to wear them). I appreciate your compliments - and I'm not sure what Jeff means about you "buttering" me up, do you????
Julana - This is my "professional" picture - I used to sell real estate a couple of years ago (long story - I hated it!), so this picture was on my card. Normally, I'm in jeans and a turtleneck during the winter, and jeans and a t-shirt during the summer!
Jeff - Are you trying to say that Darlene is not to be trusted?! Why would she want to "butter" me up?? Hmmm - sounds kind of suspicious to me - I'm not sure what to think about all of this!
Dawn - Thank you so very much! I've always loved to write - perhaps one of these days I'll write a book (it's always been a dream of mine).
Hi Paula! I will DEFINITELY keep him in my prayers. It's too bad you guys don't live closer - TP could tutor him - math comes so easy for her. English composition, on the other hand, is her downfall. Thank you so much for your warm compliments - I love your picture, too, such a pretty and happy face!
Shawnda - Hi there!!! I'm so glad you came and visited me! Having a picture up does make it more personal, doesn't it? I haven't visited you in awhile - but I'm coming over right now.
Hector - I must have been typing my response to everyone while you were typing your comment at the same time! Thank you so very much for your nice words. It does make a difference to see the other person! I'm really enjoying your blog a lot - it gives me so much to think about!
That Darlene--she's sneaky...
I always pictured you as a brunette too.
I love being wrong.
Trust Jeff on this one. Darlene is the one you have to worry about. Jeff will probably put my hat on you and call it good. Darlene will take your hair off. I guess it is a good thing I shave my head.
Jeff and BWH: Why are you picking on Darlene??? She designed my blogskin, she put up my picture, and she's always been nice to ME. Unless you guys know something that I don't know. . . Also, BWH - I actually am a brunette, I went "red" at the urging of my hairdresser - but I am now back to being a brunette. Women's perogative. .
Geez, I leave for a week and it's gang-up-on-Darlene time. Shame I missed it.
Oh, and Velerie, I do like the red..
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