First of all, many thanks to all of you who wrote such kind and supportive words about my last post. You wrote with such compassion and insight, and I was very touched. I am honored to call each of you a true friend.
I really would prefer to not go into details, but suffice it to say that this experience has brought home to me how deeply betrayal and secrecy and lies can hurt a relationship. Then, it dawned on me , at such a deep and personal level, how much our betrayals and sins causes God pain, and how they can cause such a distance in our relationship with Him.
During this Lenten season, we are made aware of how much suffering Jesus went through for the atonement of our sins, and the salvation of our souls. I am so grateful for the gift s of forgiveness and reconciliation He has given to us. Because of His example and His unconditional love for me, I am able to forgive my daughter and never, ever, cease loving her.
My situation is gradually improving. She recognizes how painful her betrayal has been for me and the rest of the family. In time, it is my prayer that she will recognize that the path she has chosen was based on all the wrong reasons, and that she will reject all the false promises given to her when she was making this choice. So, your continued prayers would be greatly appreciated in this matter.

I have no idea of the situation you speak of since I haven't visited in a very long time but forgiveness is always a good thing. Most people think forgiveness means that it was OK for whatever the incident was, but we know this is not the case.
Forgiveness is hard but it is freedom. Thanks for sharing.
I will keep you all in my prayers, Val. Good for you for realizing your love is more powerful than your hurt feelings.
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Coming by with warm hugs, prayers, and friendship. {{hugs}}
As a mother trying to deal with wayward children (a few years back) it often hit home how much my own sin/betrayals caused the Lord grief and pain. But the flip side of that holds much beauty--that He also loves me (and my children) more deeply than I can ever understand. Thank God, He didnt kick me to curb when I fouled up in my own life. Your love and forgiveness will have a greater impact on your daughter than you'll ever know.
You are loved. And prayed for.
Echoing the heartfelt sentiments from other commenters...praying now.
I'll be praying for you as well.
Val, I'm moved and bothered. I truly hope you aren't trying to shoulder the blame on this.
Sorry you are going through stuggles and I will pray all will be right soon.
Parenting is the hardest job in the world.
I guess it's a little insight as to how God feels.
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