Many Thanks
Many thanks to all of you who have lifted me up in prayer over the past few days. I have also received many e-mails from my "blogging buddies". I've been overwhelmed at all the concern and love and support from all of you. I'm doing better, if that's what you want to call it. I have to learn better ways of coping with certain situations, that's for sure. At the present time, I have decided to not go into the details which brought me crashing down - but suffice it to say that a mother's heart bruises easily.
This has caused me to reflect on the events of the past five years. Ever since 9/11/01, so much has happened in my own little family. My husband was laid off in December of '01, and the effect of that situation still has ramifications. There have been a series of job changes since then due to the nature of the IT business - and that has been very stressful on all of us. I tried to start up a new business of my own in 2002, plus keep on in my private practice - but I found out that I couldn't work two part-time jobs plus be available for my family. My youngest had great difficulty at a private school, where there were incidents of bigotry and racism which the administration failed to address, resulting in a lot of pain within our family, especially for my daughter. My oldest was diagnosed with Lupus nephritis in April of 2004, and while the disease is in remission now, it's been a long and exhausting experience. You may recall how gravely ill she became last November. Since that time, there have been smaller "crises" which our family has weathered.
I think I have just lost some of my ability to cope under the constant strain which I have been under for the past five years. I do well in a crisis - I'm able to handle the situation - but then I usually crash afterwards for a period of time in order to get my energy back and heal. Unfortunately, over the past five years, there hasn't been the opportunity to crash at all, because there has been one crisis after another. So, I think my body and mind and soul have brought it to my attention that I need a break, or else. I'm not sure how I'm going to do that - but I've been spending a lot of time thinking and praying these past few days in an attempt to discover what I need to do and how to go about doing it.
Again, thanks for all your prayers! As always, each and every one of you are in mine, everyday.

Thanks be to God that you put this post together. It's reassuring just to hear from you :-)
Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers, as are your loved ones.
God Bless you!
you are a great mom and also a pretty and nice woman and i appriciat you .May God bless you and be with you all the way.Amin
Please take care of yourself and keep in touch when you can.
God Bless you as you navigate through trying times. Keep trying to find the things that are restorative....and avoid, like the plague, the things that will drain you further. I don't know what they are for you.....maybe scheduling an afternoon nap, time to read, listen to music, exercise???? Now that one would send me reeling! H. Norman Wright suggests making a list (in the good times) of things that energize and renew you...then, go to that list during a trial and remind yourself what works. But, who am I talking to....a pshychotherapist...these are things you know all to well...for others. The trick, I'm sure, is applying them to yourself. Especially when there is little time for "Mom." A mom's heart bruises easily........I understand.
Deu 7:9 Because of this, know that Jehovah your God, He is God, the faithful God, keeping the covenant and mercy to those who love Him, and to those who keep His commands, to a thousand generations;
I can certainly empathise with you. Our family has been through one crisis after another for the last 18 years (see here). It's exhausting! It can be crushing! But God is still in the storm; and like Peter we can still weather it as long as we stay focussed on Christ.
I suspect, that like me, you are a 'fixer' by nature and profession. We fixers like to resolve things, and when they don't resolve, we feel inadequate and wasted. Satan knows that weakness and will exploit it as much as he can.
We've had to learn to just keep bringing our burdens back to the Lord again and again and again. Just like a sick person needs to see a doctor regularly, so does a struggling Christian need to meet with the Great Physician all the time.
I'll be praying for you.
Val - I justed wanted to check in with you again and see how you are doing.
Sometimes our body keeps going and going until a point where it just 'breaks-down'. I was at that point last year. I was so sick - couldn't keep anything down. But nothing was wrong with me physically - just stress. So, I prayed, prayed and prayed some more...and I finally made some changes. I miss some things that I was involved in, but for the most part - I am much better now.
Continue to lift you up...
Also - I am assembling a blogroll for Laced with Grace for your supporters. Wondering if I can add your blog to the blogroll. Just let me know...
You are in my prayers.
Praying for you right now from my school computer, Val........Jodi
I can relate to that.
praying for you and for your hurt. God knows.....
not here to badger you into posting, just want you to know you are still in my thoughts and prayers (((hug)))
God Bless you and yours!
May God place His hand on your hurting heart and bring you peace! You're in my thoughts and prayers, Val!
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