Resolutions, Anyone?
On New Year's Eve, as is my tradition, I was writing down my resolutions for the upcoming year - and I was struck by the common theme which came out from each and every one of them. The theme of self-discipline.
Now, some people would call me "controlling" (that's debatable :-o ), but if you stop to think about it, usually people who have a high need to control things in their life acutally feel out of control, and thus the issue of self-discipline comes into play.
The areas in which I lack discipline right now are organization, spending, eating, and spiritual life. So, my resolution for 2008 is simple enought in theory but difficult enough in actually putting into action. I want to become more self-disciplined in all of the areas above, plus a couple of other areas which I won't disclose quite yet.
Our holidays were lovely. Christmas was very low-key and the family had a great time just spending time together. The day after Christmas, we went to Michigan with TP to spend time with our familes, except for DQ who went to Disney in Florida with her HS marching band to play in a parade on Friday. They were there a whole week, and I picked her up yesterday. She was exhausted, but happy - happy to be home and happy that she had such a great time while there. New Year's Eve and Day were very quiet, too. We just didn't do much in the way of entertaining this year - I think we were longing for just quiet and reflective times together.
I go back to work tomorrow after being "off" for a little over three weeks. I didn't get done all that I wanted to, yet I was constantly busy with my "to-do" list. I'm hoping to get more organized at my office (see resolution above) so that I don't have to spend so much time doing the paperwork there. I hope that I'm able to truly get some "time-off" over the next week or so because I am pretty exhausted. But some of that may have to do with having a horrible toothache and infection - which is probably going to mean a root canal in my future. The meds and the infection and the pain just make me really tired. Hopefully by tomorrow I will start to feel better.
I hope each of you had a blessed holiday season. Now, it's back to the everyday routine, which is good in and of itself. My new routine is going to include writing at least every other day on my blog, which is something I've been neglecting for quite some time. I found that I miss writing here - but I just didn't have much to say for awhile (writer's block, I suppose).
So, what resolutions did all of you make????

And a Happy New Year to you and yours!! I'm reading Julie Morgenstern's "Time Management from the Inside Out" but I think I need to backtrack and get "Organizing from the Inside Out" first. (My response to that "out of control" feeling?? Read a book!!! LOL)
No resolutions, just a determination to keep on growing and learning...
Nice post, Valerie. You're right. Our resolutions are similar. And I agree about self-discipline being the common thread.
Happy New Year Valerie and sorry that you have a toothache and infection..
Hope you manage to schedule in some "me time"...
No resolutions for me - apart from the usual weight issues!!!
Take care and God Bless
Like you, I have "control issues," so this year I decided to resolve not to make resolutions, other than to spend more time talking to God than talking or reading about Him. In the end, I think we have to get to the point that C.S. Lewis describes so well, where he finally got down on his knees one night and said to God, "I can't do this. You have to do it for me." It's the constant struggle of our will, our pride, our feeling that we can control our lives, that keeps getting in God's way. Surrendering, emptying ourselves of "us," is tremendously difficult. At least, it is for me.
Sorry about your tooth pain. Oddly, I've got a similar problem, but the dentist insists it's merely a couple of sensitive molars and that no root canal is needed. I've been rinsing frequently with Shiner Bock, and that seems to help. Red wine is also good, I understand, as long as you swallow.
I'll add you to the prayer list, Val.
Happy New Year to you...
I do not like resolutions. After a few revolutions of the earth, the resolutions get stuck.
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