The Darkness and the Light
Winter solstice - the shortest day of the year and the beginning of winter. The "dead" of winter has begun - but what beauty this season can bring to us! It begins with the beauty of the holidays, and then the quietness and slower pace can envelop our minds and souls, and thus we can find the time to reflect on what God is asking of us during this season of our lives. As the days grow longer, we can look forward to the warmth again - but in the meantime, let us relish this time of peace where we can ask God to reveal to us His will and we can pray to accept His desires for our lives.
The last few days before Christmas are always a bit hectic, but this year, I am purposefully trying to keep them low-key. I am trying to savor this time because I realize that as my girls are now young women, I only have a few more Christmases with them at home before they branch out into their own lives and they begin to have their celebrations in their own homes. I spent some time alone with TP last night, and on the way home, we got to talking about hair styles and how much she doesn't like bangs. I told here that the only reason I wear bangs is because they hide the wrinkles on my forehead. And, in a style reminiscent of when she was much younger, TP said "But I have a beautiful mother - you don't have wrinkles, and you are so pretty". It's amazing to me that she looks beyond the oh-so-evident wrinkles and only sees me - the mom who's cuddled and loved her since she was a baby. I've also spent some time with DQ recently, who is busily preparing for her trip to Disney in Florida over Christmas break. She touched my heart, too, when she said thanked me for not giving up on her even though she's been through some difficult times. It is remarks like these that touch a mother's heart and soul, and make everything worthwhile. The pain and anger melt away, and healing takes hold and flourishes.
We are headed up north the day after Christmas, and DQ is headed down south for her trip to Disney. It will be different without DQ - I'll miss her like crazy, but I'm thrilled she's going to have this experience! TP and I will go ice-skating and do some shopping (after Christmas sales) and also go out to lunch with some friends and family members. The husband will put together his mom and dad's new computer system and teach them how to use it. We'll spend time with both sides of the family, and make memories to hold onto and share.
In the meantime, I wish each and every one of you a very Merry Christmas! May the Lord bless you and keep you safe in His graces.

Merry Christmas to you and your family Val! God speed on your trip and hurry back to tell us all about it.
Merry Christmas. God bless you and your family, Val.
Merry Christmas... may the peace of our Savior hug you like a cozy quilt. Joy to you and yours!
All possible best wishes to you my friend. I pray for you and yours a contented Christmas and a peaceful New Year.
With lots of love ~ Deb X
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