Happy Birthday, TP!!!!

Happy Birthday to my beautiful daughter! Today, on the first day of spring, she will turn 20 years old.
Gone are the days of tea parties and giggles and frilly dresses and playing with Barbies (although she still has an obsession with Care Bears, hence the picture above). But now the days are filled with friends, laughter, family, college, studying, and purposeful goals in her life.
My heart strings are being pulled tight as I remember all the different stages she has gone through. And this morning, when I went into her room to wake her up and wish her a Happy Birthday, I paused and gazed at her serene and beautiful face. Her face has changed so much over the past 20 years, but it still has a radiance which shines forth God's presence within her.
Twenty years ago, another young woman became a mother and gave our daughter life. To this young woman, thank you. I pray for you each and every day, and I want to assure you that our daughter is well loved, self-confident, and STUBBORN - but those attributes will serve her well in life. She's also very kind and loving and nurturing, which will make her a great nurse and mother someday. She wonders about you and knows how much you love her, too.
So, TP, I hope that today is very special for you, as you leave your teenage years behind (whew - we made it!), and you enter your terrific twenties. Follow God's will in your life now and always, and never lose faith or hope in your dreams. You are beloved and precious. Now - go take on the world with your smile and the gifts which God has given you to share with all!
Happy Birthday to your darling daughter!
And may you and your loved ones have a much blessed Easter!
Deb X
What a sweet post. And you've given me a view of a child in our family who was adopted out, who is also in good hands like yours.. One day, her mom will look in on her at 20.. and she, too, will recall that little one's birthmom. It truly IS all for love, both the giving up of, and the receiving of.. Your TP is a lucky girl. As are you. A blessed Easter season to you all.
And now, I need a tissue or two.
Happy Birthday TP!
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