Fibromyalgia Awareness Day is Today

"The National Fibromyalgia Association's Theme for the 2009 National Fibromyalgia Awareness Day campaign is 'Fibromyalgia Affects Everyone' and will focus on the far-reaching effects of this disorder - from broken lives to the economic costs to patients and society." quote from The above poster is from the same website.
I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia over 10 years ago. Thanks to (almost) daily exercise, massage therapy, eating healthy, and using appropriate medication on an as needed basis, I am still able to function most days of the month. I do get flares, and on those days, I sometimes have to "take it easy". But, for the most part, I work through the pain and keep on going. My doctor told me 10 years ago that if I didn't have this kind of approach and learn how to take care of myself better, then I could possibly end up in a wheelchair in a few years.
It has taken its' toll on my in some ways, but I try to not focus on my limitations. Rather, I count my blessings and try not complain when I'm feeling horrible. Most people wouldn't even know that I have this syndrome, which can be a good thing and it can be a bad thing. The comment "but you look so healthy" can be a compliment, but it can also discount the pain that I am in. Nonetheless, I have learned how to adapt, how to live with this on a daily basis, and how to help others cope with it who come to me for help in my private practice.
So, take a moment and educate yourself on this disorder (it's not considered a "disease") by visiting the website. It's full of useful information for everybody.

Thank you for the illuminating message about fibromyalgia. I will learn more about your challenge.
Did I mention that I experienced mysterious numbness and fatigue when I was very young? Partial blindness when my babies were a few weeks old? Multiple Sclerosis was finally diagnosed. My faith necessarily increased with this crisis...
Love and life in Christ,
Michal Ann
Dear Michal Ann - I'm sorry to hear about your MS. I have a sister who has Parkinson's Disease who is only 61. Life can be full of challenges - some physical and some emotional. I'll keep you in my prayers. Love, Valerie
P.S. Sorry I haven't answered your recent email - I've been very busy with paperwork and getting the house ready for graduation!
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