Welcome to my New Home!
Isn't it beautiful? Darlene at Chameleon Blog Skins designed my new "home", and I absolutely love it!
Those of you who know me well will understand why I fell in love with this design the moment I saw it. First of all, it reminds me of the works of Thomas Kincaide. But secondly, it reminds me of the neighborhood in which I grew up. I lived in a small town in Michigan, and the streets in my neighborhood were lined with Victorian homes on either side. I can remember each home vividly even now, so many years later. I can remember going from house to house trick-or-treating, or selling Girl Scout cookies, or delivering newspapers, or just seeing if a friend could come out to play. I remember walking down each street on cold and snowy evenings on my way to the outdoor ice skating rink, and glancing in the windows to see what was going on inside - and wondering about the stories of each family within each home. I wondered what it would be like to be a member of each family - and if the kids in that particular family were happy and loved, or sad and in despair. Some homes looked warm and inviting and cosy - others didn't appear to be very welcoming. And finally, I fell in love with this picture because it brilliantly reflects my most favorite time of the year - autumn - with its' beautiful foliage and crisp air.
Home has always been so important to me. I have tried to make the house we live in now to be truly a "home" to my kids. They know that they are safe here. They know they can dream their dreams, speak freely about their problems and their joys, and just feel a sense of comfort and security here. The picture which Darlene crafted so beautifully captures the essence of what I've always wanted in my home when I grew up, and what is actually here in my home now that I am a grown up - love, beauty, security, and warmth. Thank you, Darlene, for capturing the heart and soul of my home so wonderfully!
So, I extend to you a very warm welcome into my home. . .

The photo is so magical it looks like a painting. I love Kinkades work too.
I'm happy that you like it, enjoy.
Well, if Darlene designed your new house, better watch out for hamsters on a stick, dead fish, and bugs bigger than your head.
Wow...what a surprise! It is a beautiful home page - she did a great job.
I wish you many wonderful memories in your new "place."
Darlene: Yes, I agree it is "magical".
Jeff: I can deal with the hamsters and the fish - but the bugs will have to go! Have your received your stroganoff yet??
Jules: Thank you! The memories have already begun. . .
Tyra: When I go back home, it is so bittersweet for me because both of my parents are now gone. I am sure that one of these days, you will find the strength to return.
Paula - Thanks for participating in the "tag" - I am heading over to your site right now to get to know you better!
Barbara - Thank you for your wonderful comment - I am delighted to be "home".
Have a great day!
Darlene does do great stuff. The queen anne home is like many that are in small towns all over West Texas.
If you like Kinkade, you should check out my favorite artist: Dalhart Windberg.
I've been admiring that skin for a while, glad you're using it.
Good choice on both Darlene and teh skin. Of course without Darlene you couldn't have the skin. I had a point here. Oh well. Looks nice!
BigWhiteHat - I checked out Dalhart Windberg. I am afraid you have now started me on yet another addiction - my husband will have your white hat, I am afraid!
Stacy- I've been wistfully gazing at it for a long time, too - and finally decided to do something about it!
Nettie and Carol - Thanks for stopping by for a visit - it means a lot to me!
Jeff: It appears as though Darlene is not going to give you any stroganoff - she said it was "too precious". Hmmmm. . .
This looks great! I wasn't sure I was in the right place.
I have the meme up now, sorry it took so long.
Can you change your settings for anonymous comments? Blogger won't let me change my URL.
Striking blog! Darlene does such a nice work. :) Autumn is my favorite season, too. Enjoyed reading about you.
I really like your new look, Darlene did a great job, as always!
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