Thirty Years Ago
The thirty year anniversary of my marriage is coming up on September 13th. I have posted an entry about this at Please visit there, and drop a line!

The thirty year anniversary of my marriage is coming up on September 13th. I have posted an entry about this at Please visit there, and drop a line!
Hi Barbara: Thanks so much for your kind wishes - and for reminding me it's our "pearl" anniversary. Hmmm - that give me an idea!
Anyway, even though your husband isn't a believer, I still think God IS in the centre of your marriage because YOU bring HIM there. Just by virtue of the fact that you witness to your husband every day attests to the Lord's presence. It was much the same in my parent's marriage - but that is a long story waiting to be toldl another day. And congratulations on your 21st!
Wow, thanks for that story- hope you do something special to commemereate thrity years!
Thirty years! Wow, that is something to be proud of. It's hard at time, but sticking it through shows that you love the other person enough to put away selfish desires to make a family.
That was great! I needed to hear from somebody who's HAPPY they got married. It gets so hard to just hear about the ones that fall apart.
May God bless your marriage for another 30 years. : )
HI Nettie: Thanks for visiting - I'm hoping it will be something to do with pearls (Barbara gave me that idea!).
You're very welcome, Barbara!
Darlene - We are proud of sticking together for this long - thanks! Making a family is the legacy we have given to our kids.
Hey Jules - I'm looking forward to the next 30, too. Yes, I get disheartened, too, with the divorce rate.
Hey Paula - Thanks for your comment! I just sent a private email to you. I wanted to let you know that the friend who said my husband and I belonged together eventually became my maid of honor at the wedding. She died in 1998 of cancer, and I still miss her so. She was the greatest friend, ever!
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