Am I Having Fun Yet?
My brain is absolutely fried! I spent a large majority of the weekend, and a small portion of today working on scholarship applications for TP. I have come to the conclusion that the reason why there is so much scholarship money left over at the end of the year is because, by the time you've filled out the fifth application, you begin to feel like you're the scum of the earth asking for financial help, so you just stop filling out applications. The amount of information they require from an applicant is almost worse than applying for a mortgage. I take that back - it IS worse. And some of the questions they come up with make you shake your head and want to say "it's none of your *)@ business!". Of course, that would be counter-productive, but still. . .
I have been spending at least four or more hours a week researching scholarships on the web since October. There is so much info out there, but only about 5 to 10% of it is useful. The problem is the amount of time it takes to find the ones which truly apply to your own personal situation(s). But, I was being a smart little lady by saving it in my "favorites" category, in the "scholarship" envelope. And wouldn't you know - two weeks ago, my laptop crashed, and with it went almost three months worth of information. Now, I don't have the time to go back and try to find the same information again, so I am stuck with only about 25 applications to fill out, wherease before, I probably had at least 75 places to apply at.
Do any of you know of any scholarships available out there which might fit some of these criteria? Adopted, has lupus nephritis, 3.89 GPA, female, nursing profession, physical disability, Catholic, leadership skills. . . you get the idea. We have to look more for merit-based scholarships rather than financial need scholarships. Our income is such that it looks good on paper, but when you add in all the medical expenses due to TP's illness and other variables, it shrinks considerably.
Anyway, I did want to let you all know that I am still alive, but I may not be blogging much over the next few weeks as I work on this and other projects. If there's a patron saint for scholarships, please pray to him/her for a little bit of help for us, ok?

that sounds terrifying! miss you
Off topic ... in the spirit of the week I am de-lurking to tell you that I DO visit your blog. I just don't comment ... not sure why I don't comment but there you have it. :-)
Can't help you on the scholarship question. Sorry.
Your experience does, however, highlight the need to back up critical data from your PC on a regular basis. And yes, I'm preaching to myself on this issue, too.
Mrs. D - Terrifying is a good word to describe it!!
Barbara: Hi there! I know most readers can't give me practical advice on this subject - but it felt good to VENT about it, anyway!
Tyra: I'll give you some advice right now about the scholarship thing: make sure you stay on top of it rather than rely on just the guidance counselor. The guidance counselor at TP's high school has done virtually nothing to help. Thank you so much for your prayers.
Julie D: Thank you for visiting my blog - I am glad you've de-lurked yourself and "came out"!
Jeff: No need to apologize, but I do appreciate your comment about backing up critical data. My husband said the same thing. My question now is - why didn't he tell me BEFORE it happened? Am I supposed to instinctively know these things? I am such a moron when it comes to computers. . .
I don't have any 411 on scholarships, sorry. I feel that the hard work will pay off though, it usually does.
Ahhh....those scholarship aps. Luckily, I'm a bit past those days for the time being. I hope to go to grad school one day, but not too soon.
My hubby will be going to school in August so I better enjoy the lack of college paperwork while I can.
Val, go to and register there.
You will get a plethora of scholarships with notification to your inbox to let you know a deadline is coming up. You can input just the interests as well as the colleges you are looking for.
The beauty of this is that it will be there all through college career with all kinds of scholarships. It's great!
Yikes! This does not sound like any fun. At what age does one need to start applying for scholarships? Jr. year of high school? Senior? Before? Just curious. My oldest is in 9th grade. I think I'm safe for a few years.??
Good luck!!!
You poor thing! I remember my parents filling those darn things out and my dad would get so mad! We were always just above the handout line and just below the "we don't really need assistance" line. It was horrible!
Prayers for you that you find what you are looking for and that TP gets the job of her dreams some day. Just remember that she'll end up where HE wants her - and let that be the little bit of peace you hang on to as you continue writing ever little detail of your financial life over and over and over again.
I hope the applications are coming along well.
I left a response to your comment at my blog, about the bum wars story. :) You're a great blog mate, have I told you that yet?
Darlene: Thanks for both of your comments. The application process is just mind-boggling. But, at least I'll be better equipped when daughter #2 goes through this in 3 more years. You're a great blog-mate, too! :-)
Bethany - Good luck to your husband next fall!!
Hi Gina - Thanks for the suggestion, and I've been a member on for months now - it's a good resource. I've found other scholarships on my own, too. Did you get a lot of scholarship money when you were in school? (Congratulations again on your recent college graduation!).
Paula - I just love the individualized prayers that you come up with at a moment's notice. Thanks for your prayers and support!
A general note - one thing to keep in mind about all of this is that one of the reasons why I'm having such a difficult time with all this (besides being so time-consuming) is that fact that I am just not used to asking for financial help. Since I was a teenager, I've pretty much paid for everything on my own - I paid for my own college education, I paid for my own wedding. Since my husband and I have been married, we've NEVER gone to the government for assistance except for one time when he was unemployed for a couple of months - and then, I felt so guilty! So, there is a whole lot of emotional stuff that goes along with this process. Sounds crazy, I know, but it is what it is. . .
Oh, good luck with that! I have been checking for an update daily.
I can't be of any help here either, so I don't know why I'm commenting... Oh yeah, wanted to tell you I think your blog is absolutely beautiful! :)
I can't be of any help here either, so I don't know why I'm commenting... Oh yeah, wanted to tell you I think your blog is absolutely beautiful! :)
and I don't know why my comment came up twice!?
Just wanted to let you know that your situation will be in my prayers to the Almighty!
St. Mathew is the patron saint of money managers etc, so how about a prayer to him? (I'm going to have to talk to him about my debts pretty soon too...)
God Bless.
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