All is Well
Just a quick note - the surgery was a success and TP had no complications. Thank you for your prayers and support.
The wait was way too long - over 5 hours from admitting to actual surgery. It didn't help matters that I am still under the weather.
Now, I have presents to wrap, a gingerbread house and cookies to make, grocery shopping to do, and all sorts of other Christmas-y things yet to complete. I do promise to do an entry before Christmas, however, as there are a couple of things on my heart which I need to share.

I am so sorry I haven't been by to check on you all, I don't stop by very many places latley. My life is just crazy right now. I am glad to hear that TP's surgery went well. Sorry to hear your sick, and I hope you feel better soon. Strep is not fun, Anna had it recurring, and ended up needing her tonsils out. Hope that is not the case with you. Have a very Merry Christmas!
thanks for keeping us updated
Now you need to start slowing down a bit and taking care of YOU, Val.
Glad to hear TP is well and ready to chase down Santa.
Val, I'm delighted that TP's surgery went well. I pray for a quick recovery and your family to enjoy Christmas. Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas. bigwhitehat
Go see Jeff at my place.
I'm glad the surgery went well. You slow down, you hear?!
Wow! I am impressed. This is my first visit here. Thank you for the comment you made on my blog. I'm planning on stopping by here regularly.
God bless you,
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