Pomp and Circumstance
This week has flown by, and I apologize for not posting sooner. But, I have had time to reflect and ponder over the changes which are happening right now in my little family, causing me to experience such a wide range of emotions. I am at a better place now - God has shown me in many ways how He is in control and how much He truly loves me.
I hope what I am about to write doesn't sound like bragging - I just want you to know all of the awards which TP received for this past year. These were presented at the Awards Ceremony on the Thursday before Graduation. She received a Certificate of Honor from her school for maintaining a cummulative average of 90.00 or above for all four years of high school; the State Board of Education Award of Merit for her academic achievement and overall character; the President's Education Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement (signed by President Bush!!); an Exemplary Conduct Award, and her Third Year Academic Pin. She has been in Who's Who Among American High School Students for 4 years, National Honor Society for her Junior and Senior Year, The United State Achievement Academy All-American Scholarship Awards Program, and The National Society of High School Scholars.
She was given her gold sash to wear around her neck in recognition of graduating with honors. The awards ceremony itself was very touching - I think I cried more there than at the actual graduation ceremony because I kept on thinking "How did this kid do all this, even though she's been sick for the past two years"? She also received the President's Scholar Award from her college, where she received the highest financial scholarship possible based on your academics. A pleasant surprise came from a local scholarship from a medical clinic, who gave her $250.00 towards her tuition.
Sunday was a very special day. We had a Mass said for my Mom at 7:30a.m as it would have been her birthday that day. The girls and I participated in the Mass - DQ was a server, and TP and I were lectors. After Mass, we had a nice brunch with family before heading off to school for the graduation. My husband's folks came for the graduation, as did one of his brothers. My sister and her husband and daughter came, bringing my mom's best friend, who has been like a second mom to me. So, we had a houseful - full of love and laughter and some tears.
Graduation was at 1:00p.m., but we arrived early enough to get front row seats. Mind you, there were only 12 graduates in her class, so the gym wasn't exactly overcrowded. The bagpipes started to play, signalling the arrival of graduates, and they processed in behind all the dignatiries and teachers. We had a wonderful speaker this year - Brigadier General Frank Bruno, who actually graduated from this particular high school!!! His speech was timely and wonderful and inspiring - and he received a stading ovation when he was done.
TP had tears in her eyes during most of the ceremony. She kept on glancing down at me, and then that would get us started all over again. She looked so poised and self-confident - and ready to take on the world!!! After graduation was done, there was a party next door in the activity center. Each family had a table set up to honor their graduates' achievements over the years - it was fun to look at all the pictures and read about the other kids. This get-together lasted until 6:00, and then there was a small dance for just the graduates afterwards until 9:00.
Monday was the "Open House", and we had a lot of friends who came to help us celebrate. It was such a heartwarming experience to see all of these people come on a holiday weekend to just wish TP all the best and to congratulate her on her achievements. It was tinged with some sadness as a close family friend has just lost his father to Alzheimer's on Sunday, and he stopped in for just a quick visit. He was obviously grieving, and so he didn't want to stay very long.
Tuesday morning brought our goodbye's to family members who had travelled here, and DQ had to go back to school. TP went back to bed, and I spent a good hour crying in my bedroom. I think it was a very healing kind of cry. The letting go of all the fears and anxieties over the past two years when she had been so gravely ill and we prayed to get her to this day. The letting go of that "little girl" who loved to snuggle and hear me tell her made-up stories. The letting go of that portion of my youth when the kids were young and I was needed in different ways in which I am needed now. The letting go and letting God open me up for the next stage of my life. In all honesty, I never thought I'd get to the point where I'd be able to let go as much as I have. I know I still have a way to go yet, but God has pulled me through all of these "little deaths" to a place of peace and acceptance.
I will post pictures as soon as I can get some help from my daughters on the process. In the meantime, please check out my graduation letter to my daugher at Darlene's e-zine: www.christianwomenonline.net This June's issue is absolutely wonderful!
And thank you, all, for your prayers and support. I'm blessed to have you in my life!

I'm glad for all of you.
Are men supposed to cry while reading things like this?
You know, hypothetically speaking, of course. Not like I was crying or anything...
Wonderful accomplishments for TP!!
My oldest two were both valedictorians so they had a slew of awards,too. (Child #3 is the Wild Woman and will not be a valedictorian and has no desire to be either.) Just loved your open heart about how God is moving you to a place of peace about all the changes in your life right now.
I feel like your post was me back in 2003 when the first one graduated. Life will change as the kids grow older, but our God gives us His peace when we continue to seek Him earnestly. Is that great or what!!
My own daughter graduated from college this May--these transitions are amazing and difficult in the same breath! However, with God holding her heart and her future....I rest!
Gayla: Thanks! I'll email you soon about the info - it's still been crazy around here. You probably won't get the book from Who's Who until August, but I'd call or email them just to make sure. I never bought a book from them - oh well.
Julana - Thank you for your support.
Paula - Strenght and poise?! Not really - I have had some pretty downright ugly moments, believe me! Let's make a promise that we WILL be in each other's lives 12 years from now, OK? Thanks - I love you!
Jeff - You must be in touch with your feminine side again!!!! ;-)
Actually, it warms my heart knowing that you are such a sensitive guy. Your lady friend is lucky!
Jodi - I have a "Wild Child", too, with a high IQ, but who will never be a valedictorian, and we'll be lucky if she graduates with a 3.0 - but that's just who she is. For TP - she had to worrk really hard to get where she is now, and that's what makes this all the sweeter. Her class was SO small (only 12), and she was #5 out of 12, but number one through five were very, very close in their GPA's. Yes, I am so very grateful for God's peace. . .
Diane - It's all in God's hands, isn't it. . . Thank you for stopping by!
Wow. She's awesome.
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