School is Out!
Today is DQ's last day of finals - so, summer vacation has now begun! It's been an exhausting week for her - she had two finals on Monday, three yesterday, and two today. She's looking forward to laying on the porch swing this afternoon, reading a good book until the relaxation takes over and she falls asleep. TP's summer vacation started a couple of weeks ago, and yesterday was her first day at her new job. She starts her other job tomorrow. She'll be one busy girl this summer!
I remember my summer vacations so well when I was growing up on the shores of Lake Michigan. The days seemed endless, and the bay beckoned us on a daily basis to refresh ourselves by taking a dip in it's cool waters. My friends and I would lay out in the sun for hours, and we'd get wonderful tans which by now have left wrinkles on our faces. The relaxing sounds of the waves gently lapping the shore line would often lull us into a dreamless state of consciousness, and it is there that I would often find comfort and peace. Even to this day, when I am feeling particulary stressed, I close my eyes and hear the sounds of the bay, and I can begin to feel relaxed again by the calming effects of the water.
I have given much thought as to what I'd like to do with the girls this summer - the last official summer together as a family before TP heads off to start her life as a college student. I decided to not plan anything, and see where life takes us over the next couple of months. We need some "down time" as a family, after all the stress of the past couple of years. We need to feel some sense of normaly again. We need the calming effects of God's presence in our daily lives, strengthening our bonds with Him and each other once again, before we get ready for the next stage of our family life. One of the places we will plan on visiting this summer will be my home town, where we shall spend some time on the shores of Lake Michigan. The girls love it there as much as I do, and they welcome the refreshment and relaxation of the water. I envision a time when they take their own children to those very shores, and pass on stories of their childhood memories to their kids.
Summer isn't endless, but memories are. I hope each of you have a wonderful summer of making memories!!

How lovely to read about your wonderful summer vacations as a young woman...of course, you are still a young woman, so not much has changed :-)
God Bless you!
oooh i just love lazy summer days!
Oooohhh....Lake Michigan sounds like fun. Of course, I've never been anywhere near there!
Hope you have an easy, peaceful summer!
snickerdoodles recipe is up
Summer,ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.......time to reflect more on God and His greatness whether it's Lake Michigan, Ft. Myers, FL, Buena Vista, CO, Camp Carl in Ravenna, OH, or overseas, He is Lord of all of creation.
If I ever actually took a vacation, summer might mean more to me. As is, it simply means no choir practice on Wednesday nights, driving with the windows down (no AC in my poor little truck)--and baseball.
school's out here (since last Saturday) and the sun is shining. Praise God
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