Another Question
What are your thoughts/opinions about stay-at-home moms and so-called working-outside-of-the-home moms?
Again, I will explain why I am asking this question after you readers discuss it amongst yourselves.
The floor is open for discussion. . .

I think what's right for any one mother will be very individualized, based on many factors. There's not one answer that fits all. Some will be better suited to being--and more effective at--stay-at-home mothering, while others will be better suited to working.
But I do think our society has pushed the idea of women finding fulfillment outside the home too far, leading to a denigration in too many people's eyes of the role of stay-at-home moms.
I believe in moms staying at home if at all possible. I believe it's the best thing for the children.... but I also believe most mothers are doing what they truly think is best for their families, whether they work outside the home or not. Some women really do not have a choice. It's fine to stay home, but somebody has to buy the bread to feed those kids. I see both sides.... I'm just so very grateful we have been able to work it out that I can be a SAHM.
But I don't judge. I wish that we'd all quit fighting over who is a better mother and just support one another.
I think it's healthier for the family that one parent is at home full time, but I am careful not to assume that all parents can afford this. I think there are definitely some circumstances where both parents have to work to afford basic assentials.
Pretty much echoing the comments of Jeff, Mrs. Diamond, and Darlene.
I personally am so glad to have been home with the kids when they were younger. But, so many have different circumstances, it is not for me to judge.
We're all following the same path here. My opinion is basically the same as everyones so far.
It's most definitely better for the children for the mother to be at home. And I think these days even more so then in the past. Our children need to be protected 24/7 and when they are in the care of another, you don't know. But when you're talking about putting food on the table and one income is not enough, then yes, by all means, work mother, work. However, in this day it's not necessarily about food on the table, and clothes on our backs; but rather plasma screened TV's, video camcorders, bigger homes and cars, etc. One has to really ask themself if they are working for material means or necessity.
I've been at home throughout my childrens formative years and only just started back working part time. Before the kids came along I worked as a professional photographer but so many years have past since then that I feel fortunate to get a job working as Fr's secretary!
I never had a choice to go back to work, I couldn't afford to, usually the shoe is on the other foot, but being made a single parent meant I had to rely on state benefits for a number of years and I dug myself in to a deep well of debt too just trying to pay the I'm daring to hope that I might one day have a future that doesn't involve me getting government assistance at isn't happening yet, but one day maybe...
It works differently in our respective countries, I know, so maybe this is a perspective that hasn't been explored to any great extent by non Brits?
God Bless you!
Everyone's situation is different. I think it's better for moms to be home when the children are young, if at all possible.
Different strokes for different folks. This is a personal choice. It may be influenced by various talents and needs.
I was a stay at home mom up until almost 6 years ago and then I started working part time. I feel if you can stay home, stay home. We went without big vacations, new cars, new gadgets so I could stay home and I don't regret a moment of it.
Even though I only work part time, I sometimes feel that I'm letting the kids down because I am pulled between them and work.
I think that if you can afford it, and have the temperment, being a stay-at-home mom is wonderful. When my kids were small, I mostly worked evenings, that way I could be home during the day. As they got older, I began to work just while they were in, they're hitting their teens, and I'm working full time. And to be honest, if I had to be home all day, I'd probably go crazy. But that's just me, everyone is different, you know?
And I hope my comment went in, doesn't say!
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