I'm Back. . .
We had a great time in Michigan. It's so gorgeous up there. There was a hint of fall as some of the leaves were just beginning to change colors and the evenings were quite cool. The family reunion was a success, overall. It was good to see everyone, and to have my kids meet some of their cousins whom they had never met before. Only 5 Canadian relatives were able to make it, but it still was so good to visit with them. We had another distant relative come from Chicago who had done a considerable amount of work on our genealogy dating back to the 1700's - very fascinating - and I plan to contact her in September to get even more information.
School starts for DQ on Monday, so the next few days will be spent doing last-minute things in preparation for the new year. For me, my "new year" seems to start in the autumn rather than on January 1st. It's time for me to make decisions about how to revamp my business, and how involved I want to be in school-related activities, and what I want to do with my "spare time". I am anticipating a little bit of extra free time beginning in a couple of weeks when TP takes off for college (sigh), so I have decided that I want to dedicate more time to my writing. I will be a frequent contributor at the Christian Women Online Blog, and will contine my monthly column for the e-zine. I am considering beginning a new blog for weight-loss issues. And, I do plan to blog more frequently here, as I face the transitions which come about as a result of one of my chicks flying the coop! Also, I want to try my hand at writing fiction - it's a new genre for me, and it will be interesting to see if I'm even able to do it!
So, summer is coming to a close, and autumn promises all sorts of new changes. I'm experiencing so many different emotions right now as I face a new chapter in my life. Thanks, friends, for coming along with me on the ride!

So glad you're back! I can't wait to see you try your hand at fiction - what fun! I love it as a way to free up my imagination. You just sit down, start typing and let that imagination roll...
Oh...but I do miss Michigan hearing you talk about it now. I really wish it weren't so far away.
So glad you're back safe and sound and that the trip was a success. Please do think about a weight loss blog, you know I have one, but I've been struggling to post about my weight issues over there because it's so depressing and becaue frankly, I can never stick to anything. I'm right this moment entertaining the ide of trying to lose weight, but the task seems so daunting....I may write about it, I may not bother, but to read someone elses account of struggling with similar problems would I'm sure be an encouragement.
So no pressure, but my future body size could depend on it! J/K
Some of the geneology buffs in my family have traced us back to Davy Crockett and traced us back to Europe. The wild thing is, they still can't get my wife's name right. Go figure.
Sounds like a great time.
So glad you enjoyed the time away. I find that a new year or new season starts around this time for me too. The one in January just does not connect.
Oh and the weight issue, well after the weekend away with my on line friends, we are all supporting each other on a daily basis. But I will be posting on my weight as it goes down ~ or rather this week after a 4star hotel break ~ up.
I just wanted you to know that I think about you often and pray that the transition of your daughter leaving for college goes well for all of you.
I've been thinking about you a lot lately, with your daughter taking off and all. We're still here for the ride. Take care.
glad you're back! Missed you!
You go, girl! Stretch those wings and fly... these coming years are going to be the sweetest and best times!
yay! You are back : ) Glad the reunion went well and you got to see lots of relatives you don't normally get to see : ) Look forward to hearing more from you as you take on more writing!!! : )
Jules: My heart belongs to Michigan. . . Thanks for your encouraging words about writing.
Ukok: I'll let you know more about the blog as I think it through. I already have the blogger address for it - but haven't posted anything as of yet. It's probably going to take a few days to decide what I want it to look like. I'll keep in touch! I missed you!
BWH - But Davy Crocked didn't wear a big white hat. . .
Hi Susan - Glad to hear you had such a good time at your hotel!
TC - Thanks for stopping by - I hadn't heard from you for awhile and was getting quite concerned!
Stacy - Can I take that ride in your new SUV?! LOL! Thanks for being here. . . it means so much.
Mrs. D - I missed you, too!!!
Gina - I certainly hope that you are right - I am a bit nervous, you see!
Hi Shawnda - Hope all is well with you and yours! I'll be over to visit soon - there is still one post of your which I want to comment on.
Hi Barbara - I have missed you SO much! Please let me know about Owen's results. Thank you for your sweet words. . .
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