A New Addition to our Family
Tomorrow afternoon, we are expecting a new addition to our family! We are SO excited (especially the girls), and the countdown has begun.
The opportunity presented itself, so we decided to go and and do this one more time. . .
Please check back tomorrow for pictures of her! I'm sure you'll be just as thrilled as we are!

I'm guessing a puppy.
Wrong, Stacy. But she does require lots of tender loving care!
She'll arrive here at about 1:30 tomorrow afternoon, so we have about 15 hours to go. . .
I'm curious, too. A kitty? One of those little pot belly pigs? A cock-a-too? A foreign exchange student? Hmmmmmmmm.
Jodi: No, no, no, and no! Although we almost had a foreign exchange student this summer - I'm hoping next summer we'll be able to do that.
We are in the process of naming her, however.
You didn't get a monkey, did you?
Not a puppy or a kitten? Hmmm...
Alright - I'll come back...
*whimpers away in distress at not knowing the answer*
Hey there. It is Steve Sporre from "Following God's Will"... I am really REALLY not trying to spam ya but I thought I would let all of my blog friends know that my full length 11 song album is finally here!! I am really excited about it and want to thank all of you for your prayers. Get More info at my Blog... again I am sorry for the "Spam" but many of my Blogger friends asked me to tell them when it was completed!!
And PLEASE help me spread the word and the music!!
Stacy - I already have a "monkey" - that would be an apt description of DQ!
Jules - I didn't mean to make you whimper!!!
Kevin - DING, DING, DING!!!! You win the prize!! SOmehow, I knew you'd be the one to figure it out!
Paula - You're ever so faithful, my friend. Thanks!
Steve - I haven't heard from you in a long time. Thanks for the info - I appreciate it! Glad to hear from you, too!
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