A beautiful song for a beautiful holiday. I wish you and yours a wonderful Thanksgiving. There is just so much for which to give thanks to the Lord! Thank you for your friendship, one and all.
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A beautiful song for a beautiful holiday. I wish you and yours a wonderful Thanksgiving. There is just so much for which to give thanks to the Lord! Thank you for your friendship, one and all.
Fantastic news from TP's doctor at her six month check up on Friday - he's just totally amazed at her progress and the fact that she's stayed healthy and in remission. He said that he's never had a patient go off ALL meds before in his whole career! He was so glad to see how well she's doing at school, too.
DQ is overcome with turmoil and anguish right now, so I truly need your prayers. Please pray for her healing, for her to find strength, for her to overcome the demons which have taken over her sweetness and the will to fight the fight and go on with life. I have two phone calls into her doctors right now, as I don't know how to help her anymore. I have done all that I know how to do - as a mom and as a professional - and nothing seems to work. The love she is given doesn't seem to touch her or help her. I am so close to giving up - but how can I? She's my daughter, and I would die for her, so I can't give up on her now when she needs me the most. So, please, please pray for her, and please add a prayer in there for me so that I can find wisdom to know how to help and strength to be able to help. I'm just so exhausted. I'll keep you posted.
Two years ago, right about now, TP was in a coma and gravely ill in the PICU. But, a miracle happened that evening, and she is now in perfect health and is still in remission. Most of you know the story by now - she was diagnosed with Lupus Nephritis in April of 2004 and was on massive doses of steroids and immunosuppressants, plus she had even been on chemotherapy. She was in and out of the hospital for many months. Then, that November, she had received great news - that she was going to be off all meds in a few short weeks, plus she had been admitted to the college of her dreams with a huge scholarship. She was on the top of the world! Then, she had two vaccinations - one for the flu and the other for pneumonia, and she had caught a virus at a camp she attended that weekend. Unfortunately, she developed a high fever and became very sick, and I immediately took her to Children's. You can read the rest of that remarkable, miraculous story in my November 2005 archives. God certainly works wonders, and He continues to do so to this very day.