A Little Bit of This, A Little Bit of That
We are now in the position of having to decide between two excellent jobs for my husband. We are very fortunate to be in this position, but at the same time when put in this kind of situation, I always "freeze" because - what if we choose the wrong one?? What if, after a year of being at this new job, he gets laid off, or the company gets bought out? This is what has happened to us every year for the past four years - and believe me, we are all getting tired of it. It's just such a stressor, and it brings a certain amount of turmoil into our lives. We will think and pray about it over the weekend, and the decision will be made by Monday.
TP has decided which college she wants to go to next fall, and it's a local private one which has an excellent BSN program. She will live with us for the first couple of years (YAY!), and then she will more than likely get an apartment to help her gain some independence. We will still apply to a couple of other colleges just to see what they have to offer us, but this one is an excellent choice.
DQ tried out for the play, but didn't get a part (it's rare for a freshman to get one). So, she is going to get on the crew, which will kind of get her foot in the door, so to speak. I went to her old school last night (which is still TP's school) for Homecoming activities, and it was pretty sad. The girl who tormented her for two years made the Homecoming court as the freshman representative. Her mom just glared at me. I just smiled in return - it is of no consequence to me any more. DQ is happy and excited and in love with life again - and that is all that matters to me. To think that this girl's mom is so full of hate still, speaks volumes to me of where her heart is, as it was her daughter who was the perpetrator of all the meanness and cruelty directed towards DQ.
I am looking forward to our little vacation next week. I am sure we shall enjoy ourselves. I wish all of you a great weekend!

Some people are just bitter and hateful; she is of no consequence to you and yours. Hope you enjoy your time away and congrats to the hubby for his multiple choice dilemma.
Have a great weekend yourself!
It's good your hubby has a choice, better than no choice at all, right? I will pray that you make the right decision.
Congrats on TP choosing a college too! I hope that my girls decide to go close to home when that time comes. How is she doing with her weaning off prednisone?
Stacy: It makes me wonder what she is so bitter and hateful about? Anyway, thanks for your wishing us well.
Tyra: Knowing DQ is excited about school and life in general does bring such peace.
Barbara: Thanks for the prayers! I am sure the girl's mother wondered what the heck I was smiling at her for, but hey - you keep them guessing, I suppose!
Sarah: Yes, I prefer having multiple choices than no choice at all! TP is doing okay with the tapering of meds - still somewhat irritable, but we're dealing with it. Thanks for asking!
CJ: Yeah, I wonder!!!
I think it says a lot about you, though, that your kids are growing up to have totally different attitudes. So keep it up girl, you must be doing something right! (I say something as I make no pretenses of knowing about parenting, just that the kids usually reflect the parents).
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